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Dave's Malifaux Minis (Along With Other Minis)


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So, I'm guessing we're allowed to share these now. Here are my entries from Rotten Harvest 2011:

Desolation Engine:


The Viktorias:




Lord Chompybits:




Stitched Together:



Halloween Teddy:




Insidious Madness:




Convict Gunslinger:






Bete Noire:


Sarah and Eldritch Demon (Dreamer and LCB Proxies):


EDIT: Also, I picked up Collodi's box, what color scheme would look good? I don't really care for the one on the box.

Edited by dsmiles
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Hm. Where is the Dreamer proxy from?

You could really work on the eyes. Yeah, they're one of the hardest to paint on a model, but you've got them looking...well...googly-eyed (especially the Viks). I find that one of the better ways of getting the eyes to 'shrink' is to use either devlan mud or badab black as a wash, dabbing just over the eyes; it gets into the recesses and helps to define the outlines of the eyeballs.

Also: don't paint the top lip of a female model unless you're trying to give them that "working girl" look. Better to paint the bottom lip only, and faintly at that, as it looks more natural.

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Hm. Where is the Dreamer proxy from?

You could really work on the eyes. Yeah, they're one of the hardest to paint on a model, but you've got them looking...well...googly-eyed (especially the Viks). I find that one of the better ways of getting the eyes to 'shrink' is to use either devlan mud or badab black as a wash, dabbing just over the eyes; it gets into the recesses and helps to define the outlines of the eyeballs.

Also: don't paint the top lip of a female model unless you're trying to give them that "working girl" look. Better to paint the bottom lip only, and faintly at that, as it looks more natural.

The Dreamer proxy is Sarah from Hasslefree Minis. They've got some awesome stuff.

The Viks were an experiment in the "Big Eyes, Small Mouth" Anime-esque style. I was trying to expand my repertoire from just cartoony minis to anime minis, since I'm getting Super Dungeon Explore soon. (At one point in my life I wanted to be a cartoonist/animator. Now I'm a power engineer. Who could have guessed that one? :P )

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Thanks! :)

I didn't realize the mice were purple, though. I painted them in gray. But you're right, they do look kind of purple in the pics. I figured, "What the hell. I might as well use these sewer rats from my Sewer Accessories kit." I was going to use the "bag of rats" from the Victorian Accessories kit, but after I primed it, the details came out. It's a BAG OF CARROTS!!! Needless to say, it went back in the bits box, waiting for it's time in the spotlight.

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So, my first attempt at pinning today. I just got the Iron Kingdoms Alexia Ciannor mini (which I like better than the actual Warmachine one), and as I was cutting her tab off, her leg broke. I used my smallest Dremel bit, which I think is 0.5mm, and a piece of paperclip. We'll see how this turns out. :dong:

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Why don't you use a pin vice? For such delicate work I always use "human" powered tools. Electrical tools (like Dremel or Proxxon etc.) have too much torque and are relatively heavy (even when using the flexible shaft like this one:


and therefore are not easy to use on small surfaces (like broken legs)...

I use Games Workshop pin vice (also have a GF9 one - but that one doesn't fit my hand quite as well)


anyway, hope everything turns out well.. keep us posted.

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I have ginormous hands. My Dremel is about the size of a magic marker in them. Plus, it has a 22k rpm and 33k rpm setting. The 22k setting is surprisingly light on torque.

It was (thankfully) her left leg that broke, so hopefully with her jacket wrapped around it like that it should hardly be noticeable.

You can see in this pic:


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