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Avatars....worth getting?

darth tater

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Hi I'm currently debating getting seamus's avatar, which I think is out this month same time as the new book...

The reason for my deliberation is the fact that he's around £20 for a single mini and may not even get to take part in a game...even if he does it may just be one round!

The mini looks awesome, but for those that have them and used them are the avatars worth getting?

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Pretty much a resounding yes. They represent a mid game either power boost or shift in play style that can either be really fun, amusing, or dangerous. Some of them give you what the master sorta needed, a big red oops button (like A. Hoffman) and represent a dramatic shift in play style. Others make the Master different but are still a bit of a power up (kinda like A. Sonnia). And then just others have the Master being similiar but different in a bunch of key ways (like A. Pandora).

Are they worth it? Depends on what your looking for out of them and out of the game. If your looking to have fun and enjoy play? I say absolutely yes. If your looking to be the next Malifaux star and win every competition? Maybe not. As with anything in a game, they are what you make of them. But at least on their core level, many are very solid and are a lot of fun to play with and against. They bring something really new to the game and add on another thin layer.

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Definitely worth getting.

Used Avatar Seamus last night against me mates Perdita crew and he rocked!

Terror 17 with (:aura10 -2Wp) + Wicked = feckin' awesome!

Seamus is all grown up :)

Granted he'll get raped by crews throwing Wp tests and/or shooting (when he's not in combat...) but what do you want for 2SS??

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I have on,y gotten to use my Seamus Avatar in one game and as soon as I met the manifestation requirements he was focused on and killed. So I can't speak to his play style. Although it was fun having that threat looming during the game. The model sitting on the sideline waiting to come in. I don't think I would use him in tournement but friendly games at the LGS i plan on it without a doubt.

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