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TerraClips Buildings


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I got my terraclips buildings today and with the help of the WorldWorksGames forum I've put together 3 buildings and put them on my table which is made from 1' square boards with WWG Himmelveil Streets print out on mdf.

Overal I'm pretty pleased but even using the clips sparingly I'm way short of L clips. I had to use T clips in many places I should have used a L clip. Quantities of T clips and I clips are fine.

Wyrd & WWG - You need to seriously consider doubling the amount of L clips in the box and/or offering add-on boxes of L clips.

Here's the link to the post I 'borrowed' the building layouts from:


Anyway here's the photos, sorry about the poor quality.





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I realised after posting the photos that one of the 'roads' leads into the side of a rise so I've adjusted the layout, cleaned some scratches of my phone camera lens and taken a couple of more shots.

I think this is a better layout as there is more coverage toward the centre of the table:


This next shot, if you can ignore the bright unpainted wagons, gives an idea of the levels across the table:


The three buildings were made from 1 set of Terraclips Buildings and 1 box of clips although, as I mentioned above, there is a severe shortage of L clips.

The table still feels empty in places so next on the agenda is walls, hedges, etc. It will add to the 'feel' and help break up LOS.

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Those look fantastic Hazard! I may have to steal your idea about the streets on the MDF for the base board level. Then use the Streets set to build the second level to things.

Wyrd & WWG - You need to seriously consider doubling the amount of L clips in the box and/or offering add-on boxes of L clips.

Definitly seconding this. I've been playing them since I got back from Gencon (Btw I'm in-love with this terrain system, it frightens me at times) and I almost always run short on L clips. There are simply not enough L clips in the boxes. This is exemplified when using the Buildings set and trying to build multiple Buildings, it just sucks them up.

It almost needs to be 60-80 L clips and 40 of the other two. Sure it will cost more, but I'd bet almost everyone would be happy to pay the extra amount to have everything they need in one go.

Edited by karn987
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