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I am new, decided on Arcanists, advice sought...


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some of my friends have played Malifaux for a while but I resisted starting ANOTHER game system.. until now. I have decided to go for Arcanists, and particularly Decemberists.

I like to knock things together so instead of buying the box set I have bought things individually, I have:

Rasputina (obviously)

3 Ice Gamin (grunts)

December Acolyte (bought mini ages ago, just liked it)

Wendigo (before I knew what a totem was)

Freikorps trapper (again, looks cool, a merc sniper?)

Would this make a good crew? my rulebook has not arrived yet so I have bought everything based on a whim and if I like the figures or not.

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The Acolyte is, very unfortunately (I love the model) garbage. He fits the same role as the Freikorps Trapper, and does it a lot worse. As a whole, you should be able to make a decent list out of that. You're definitely going to want to add a Silent One, possibly two, depending on playstyle.

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I am poised on buying a Silent one then.. or two.. I guess they are sneaky hand to hand types? my play style would probably be to weaken an enemy at a distance then try to finish them off when there close. (I'm guessing a crew based on shooting has trouble on a small board/short ranges).

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I am poised on buying a Silent one then.. or two.. I guess they are sneaky hand to hand types? my play style would probably be to weaken an enemy at a distance then try to finish them off when there close. (I'm guessing a crew based on shooting has trouble on a small board/short ranges).

No more spell casters, that can bounce tina's spells

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The main benefit of the Silent One is it's buffing abilities. For example it can increase the Rg of models within 3" of it by 3". So Rasputina can use Ice Mirror to cast thru an Ice Gamin 6" away & her December's Curse now has a 13" range instead of 10" meaning she can hit things 19" away from her.

For more info (and better explanations) check out http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Rasputina


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I am poised on buying a Silent one then.. or two.. I guess they are sneaky hand to hand types? my play style would probably be to weaken an enemy at a distance then try to finish them off when there close. (I'm guessing a crew based on shooting has trouble on a small board/short ranges).

gamins and silent ones, spam them with annoying little exploding bombs who have a decent melee attack, and cast with rasputina AND 2 silent one's, today was the first time i used 2 of them, i killed a shikome and a cerberus with only 1 silent one (cerb was weakened because of a gamin)

silent ones are great, they heal, and are very good at casting, problem is they die very easy,

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what you have is a good starting point. I would recommend a few other things to help:

one or two silent ones


essence of Power

Misaki or Hans

Myranda with beasts to transform into

the silent ones are very nice for tina, as they synergise really well with her abilities - they have a decent blast damage spell, they can do a pulse which heals frozen heart models and damages everyone else in range, and they have another spell which boosts the range of spells by 3".

That, in addition to their perfect mirror ability means that Tina can cast through them, addign +3 to the range of her spells, and only takes a -1Ca penalty instead of -3.

Hans is a nice long range shooter who is very good for killing a single model dead a turn, so long as they are in range. if he gets frozen heart, he can synergise really well, taking advantage of the +1damage from the gamins' aura and the increase in range from the silent one.

Misaki is a ferocious melee model, although you shouldnt send her in unsupported. She can really put the hurt out on enemy models, especially if they are clustered together.

Snowstorm is an expensive (11SS) beatstick which provides a huge amount of benefits to the crew. its really fast moving, can pull frozen heart models along, and is vicious in melee and at range (with high damage, easy ways to get + on damage, and a zero which can be used after killing an enemy to heal to full wounds). It is also very survivable, what with Spirit, 8 wounds, bulletproof 3 and permanent soft cover.

it also has an ability that can cover your entire crew's advance and prevent the enemy from shooting them: Sleet. This is a 6" aura which debuffs enemy models and prevents charges, as well as giving frozen heart models soft cover.

the essence is a very useful totem, as it greatly increases the damage output of Tina.

Myranda is a good bet, although she is quite expensive due to the other sculpts you would need to pick up to make the most of her. She provides a lot of mobility and can transform into a wide variety of beasts to fill most roles in the crew. She can also transform, make Tina a beast via the malifaux raptors' trigger and then revert, allowing her to cast tina's spells from up to 6" away.

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I'm yet to play it out, but is also advise coryphee, throw them frozen heart and there's a fairly quick objective grabber aswell as a decent shock troop.

Id put snowstorm as a must in your average 35+point game,

I think the best advice for any new players would be to Allways keep your objectives in mind, with rasputina you can find yourself lacking movement, meaning the last turn is generally not enough time to snatch objectives last minute..


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Thanks everyone, I have ordered a couple of silent ones, after my intital spend-out and the rule book.. I will have to make do with that selection for a while.

I get the impression this lot are mostly a 'shooty' crew, do people find that a problems? I know there are many games where close combat troops do better simple because they know they can use cover/rush in and then the game is theres.. you can't really stop most of them with a couple of rounds firing.. and Malifaux seems to be played in a fairly limitted area?

Perhaps the ice golem will be a later purchase but for now I will make do with that. oh and I like the look of the Hoarcat pride.. are they any good?

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I have found that close combat does tend to be a problem for Rasputina. A couple of ways to deal with that can be Misaki (a very effective beat stick, if not the most survivable thing on the board), or the Coryphee duet (a really expensive model in a list of expensive models, but well worth it). Both are quick paced, which is another useful trait in a Rasputina crew, and they'll add some good close combat ability to your crew.

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