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Brad in Fayetteville, NC


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Hello Wyrd forums. I am excited to be here. I am in the Army and live in Fayetteville, NC where I am an active Warhammer 40,000 player and trying to foster some interest in Malifaux. It seems to be fertile ground. Right now I am reading through the main rulebook and I have Rising Powers on deck. Over the last year my personal and professional demands have pulled me away from gaming but as my young son gets older and my job calms down I am working to get back into it with my excitement for Malifaux leading the way. I have a Lady Justice crew and a Colette du Bois crew right now. They are not assembled because I am going to buy some good bases and I am refining my painting technique on my horde of 40k Orks. In the near future I am going to buy McMourning and Pandora crews so that I can have one crew from each faction when I am ready to begin playing and trying to recruit new players around here. My only question right now is will the alternate skulpt for Lady Justice be available again in the future? I have seen it available online for preorder with a release date of October. I was in the field over GenCon and couldn't order one. Anyway, super excited about being here and moving forwards with my plan to play and build a community here in Fayetteville.

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Hello and welcome to the Wyrd side of life!

A word of warning with Colette, the crew is amazing to play (and even more amazing to model and paint!) but I wouldn't start with her, get in some practice with Lady Justice first until you get a feel of the game, then go to town with those Showgirls :) You can start with Colette (I did), but the crew has a nasty difficulty curve for a beginner (I switched to Sonnia until I got a better feel of the game and now getting mostly draws with Colette making me much happier).

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