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Criid vs Viks... Thoughts?


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H-kay, I've been able to find ways around Lillith and her Nephilim, Rasputina and her Golems (well dur), Dreamer and LCB but I've had nothing but issues with the melee beasts that are the Viktorias.

Recently adding the Executioner as a sort of bodyguard for Sonnia has given them some pause but they *still* managing to cause me problems.

Here are my lists:

35 SS

Sonnia Criid

Sammael Hopkins -8

Executioner -7

Guild Austringer -5

Witchling Stalker x 2 -8

Governors Proxy -2

Left with beefy 8 SS

25 SS

Sonnia Criid

Executioner -7

Guild Austringer -5

Witchling Stalker x2 -4

Governor's Proxy -2

7 SS not bad for Sonnia

These lists naturally change with the amount of SS we play with but back to my point. Does anyone have any tips or strategies that I've missed? I really want to oust the Viktorias!

Edited by Melideyna
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Although I'm no expert, I usually try to kill the Viks quickly. They only have 7 WDs each, which is low for a Master, and their DF isn't that great. If you have attacks with blasts you can sometimes get both Viks at once. Anyway as soon as one dies a lot of their punch goes. Even if you don't get the kill they will likely have burnt some SS and high cards to stay alive. Of course if they have a Ronin close by that complicates things, so an alternative strategy I sometimes use is to kill the Ronin quickly so the Viks can't come back, then switch attention to the Viks.

Of course all this is dependent on what the strategy & schemes are, as that can have a big impact on tactics.


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I'd try to work in either a Guardian or a Friekorp Librarian.

Both add an element of "staying power" to your list. The guardian more so, although the librarian offers more overall utility.

When the guardian protects a model, it really makes your opponent rethink just how many resources he/she needs to kill it. It's a real thorn in the side.

Also, don't have my book 3 yet, but it sounds like there are some great Criid crew models in there.

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at 35 I might try dropping the proxy and a stone for a death marshall. the proxy isnt very usefull with criid or vs viks. swap one of the stalkers for another marshall.

marshalls tend to stick around a bit longer with hard to wound and the odd red joker on a slow to die never sucks.

most vik stuff is melee oriented so you want to hang back and shoot them on the way in. put some of your grunts out hoping to draw or redirect the vik alpha strike and position sonia back a bit for a counter strike fire boom boom. dont bunch up your dudes. i.e. dont let that vik melee trigger pee on your bonfire.

swap the executioner for the judge.

focus on taking down one thing at a time.

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Majority of the time I've ended up going against Neverborn, seeing as they seem to be the only people who are ever up for a game :/

The +2 WP balances out the usual -2, irresistable or terrifying the big hitters have, like Nekima. Governor's Authority has proven useful in some cases too. Kind of difficult to get out of that rhythm.

I was thinking of replacing the Executioner, as fun as he is when he hits and particularly with a Red joker; he is very squishy. Once again he's mainly gone against Neverborn, who are mostly lacking in the range department.

Never thought of the Death Marshals though, cheers!

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