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How often do you play


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Got no store particularly local here so there's 4-5 of us who get together each Sunday to game at a mates... between wargaming and D&D each of us normally gets in 1-2 games each week split between Malifaux and WarmaHordes (with Malifaux games currently getting precedence even though we're running a league of WM/H)

That said our games are all laid back and take longer than they probably should due to still wrapping our heads around everything and a fair bit of conversation cross tables :)

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I haven't played this game for over 6 months now and even then I had only played a handful of starter games.

Real life has got in the way of playing, though I still purchase the models in the hope that someday they will hit the table!

And as for Warhammer or Bloodbowl (the other two games i tend to play) I haven't touched them for almost a year!

A pregnant wife, and then a newborn take up a lot of time....;)

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Ive had malifaux for about a year and a half or so now and I aint played a game yet. No one I know collects it so as much as id like to play I just cant. So for now im just painting

There are a few guys down in seaham who have started playing and their lgs has a games night on a Tuesday.

Only just learnt of them myself and have struggled to make it the last few weeks but it may be an option for you.

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My LGS is open for games on a Tuesday and Thrusday, where I'll normally get a game in.

Ditto, wever our core of regular players, and a few coming into it more, now if we can get some more into the game with Dumb Lucks Demo day a week saturday and a local league starting in september, hopefully it will get even better.

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