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Boys vs Girls

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I think this poll is inappropriate and out of place. Why does it matter if you have boy parts or girl parts? What about those who don't identify with their physiology? One's gender identity is more relevant than their physical sex. Polls/threads like this ostracize those who don't identify with what they are, making it more difficult for some individuals to feel like part of the community.

We are all gamers. We are all people. What does it matter if we are male, female, or other?

For what its worth (which isn't a lot) I am a male. I've always been a male. But I've had friends who have been through the worries and stress of not identifying with who society thinks they should be. Every one should feel welcome to be themselves and be free of the judgement that gender identity brings just because someone is "different". Especially in a community that is already somewhat frowned upon by the mainstream as weird or not normal.

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I babbled about this on my interview with Gamer's lounger during Adepticon.

I think its because the female minis that Wyrd makes actually look like woman. Some would debate they are sexualized but at least there proportions are right and they are pretty. To many other games make there female models either way to butch or way to naked. I think Wyrd strikes a much better balance.

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