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Classic Convict Gunslinger


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I would agree with Foerender's comments, however if the chalky effect is not drybrushing but instead the sealer you used I would recommend respraying it then immediately taking it inside and placing it under some hot lights to prevent the sealer from being effected as much by the humidity (a trick I have to use quite a bit down here n the big easy).

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I would agree with Foerender's comments, however if the chalky effect is not drybrushing but instead the sealer you used I would recommend respraying it then immediately taking it inside and placing it under some hot lights to prevent the sealer from being effected as much by the humidity (a trick I have to use quite a bit down here n the big easy).

The mini was washed once already following the drybrushing, but I have had some bad luck with sealers :-\ I prefer to have a matte finish to avoid things being too shiney, what kind do you use? Also, I welcome more tips/tricks! :D

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Nice work on the Convict. I've been thinking about picking one up, but I need to work on finishing up what I've got first.

I would agree with Foerender's comments, however if the chalky effect is not drybrushing but instead the sealer you used I would recommend respraying it then immediately taking it inside and placing it under some hot lights to prevent the sealer from being effected as much by the humidity (a trick I have to use quite a bit down here n the big easy).

So that's why my minis got all gritty.

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I love how his scars came out. I was also having the same problem with a sealer I'd bought from a game store, so I bought testor's dullcoat instead as mentioned above and haven't had a single issue since. It's a little more pricey but it's very much worth it.

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