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Guild Guardsmen Crew


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Making a crew lead by Lucius, I went back and tried to read the henchmen hiring rules.

Is this right? It's a 25 SS scrap. I choose Lucius to lead then receive his henchman reserve of 4 SS added to the 25 to hire models. I can procede to hire 29 SS of models in the scrap, which includes 2 guild hounds giving the team 1 SS in its pool.

The list was:


Guild Guard Captain

Guild Guard A

Guild Guard B

Guild Hound A

Guild Hound B

Guild Austringer

Drill Sergeant

Question really is just on if this is a valid 25 SS scrap list, and I did the hiring right? I guess i'm worried because I've never done that with a master...e.g. hiring 31 SS of models for a 25 SS Scrap with McMourning etc. I've always just taken the cache as soulstones in the pool.

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Good to see positive feedback that I did it correctly. :)

Did make me wonder...do masters not do this? In other words, in a 25 SS scrap, is it not possible to hire over 25 SS of models. I thought in the rule book it said to just add the cache to the pool...not use it for hiring...

So for my McMourning thought...can he NOT hire 31 SS of models, but is limited to 25 SS (and must have a pool of at least 6 SS)?

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Eh? Well unlike masters Henchman are restricted to a starting pool of four or whatever the Henchman # is in their type listing if I recall correctly. So usually its better to just purchase more models. I usually play Von Schill and Lucius and find myself with 2-3 soul stones to play around with.

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Everything you did was legal. I would like to preach about the importance of Soul Stones though. I don't think I would ever take a master with less of a cache then 6 ss, and I would love to take that many with Henchman, but unfortunately I am limited to the Henchmen#. Lucius has slow to die, so every time he dies and you have a soul stone, you could just use a stone to make a healing flip. Keeping Lucius alive three more times is more valuable then the dogs in my opinion.

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You are correct with the Soulstones for both Henchman and Masters. Henchman add their HR# to the Soulstones used to purchase models, probably why they're only limited to that many Soulstones in their pool. Master's caches however, are added after the crew has been built, leading to them having a starting pool of up to 8 (scrap) or 10 (brawl). All of this is in the Hire Crews portion of the Rules Manual

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Wait what, so according to what you just said all normal crews led by a master have 25SS to spend where a henchman has 29SS? Assuming the battle size is 25SS. I did not know this...

Yes that is correct. Its to hopefully balance out the playing field if you choose to use a henchman as a master.

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