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I'm new to malifaux (only played one game), but I'm looking at starting a gang. I played the Viktorias for my first game and liked the feel of them, so I've decide to build a gang around them and I'm just wondering if this list would work.

two Viktorias



2x Ronin

Guys at my club normally play 35 pts game, so I'm still another 9 pts off. If anyone could tell me what else to get or what might be better to go for, that would really help

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I like that list so far - I reckon either a student of conflict or desperate merc to finish it off, and then the remainder on SS and you will have a very decent all comers list.

Whatever you go for, The Viks like to eat soulstones for breakfast, so I would always take at least five.

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To start with, since the Ronin Blister contains 3 ronin, you might as well take the 3rd to play at 35 points.

From there I would play the list several times and start looking at where

you want to go.

Really wish Hans could shoot more, buy a student of Conflict.

Need more Firepower, the convict gunslinger will make a good choice.

Bishop, Johan or Misaki could increase your combat potential, either in durability or damage.

Hamelin adds a different outlook with his spell casting

The Friekorps add lots of options, so many that I would recomend looking into buying the box set in the not to distant future.

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There are two popular ways to build a Viks list.

Either: Viks, 2 or 3 Ronin plus extra mercenaries to taste (Taelor, Convict Gunslinger, Misaki, Hans, Freikorps librarian etc)

Or: Viks, + Freikorps (with or without Von Schill)

Bishop is generally considered too expensive and Johan just not as good as Taelor, so the Viks boxset is probably not as good a buy as Von Schills boxset, which will effectively give you a second Master (actually Henchman) as well as several models that can nicely complement a Viks/Ronin crew (Librarian and Trapper particularly).

You can buy the Viks, Ronin and any other mercs you fancy in separate blisters.

The Student of Conflict is not generally fast enough to keep up with the Viks (so will only make the Viks fast once) but can support a shooty model in the backfield like the Freikorps trapper or Hans.

The Freikorps Librarian is great with the Viks, as it can grant both of them 3 healing flips in a turn.

At a recent 35 pts tournament, I played Viks, 3 Ronin, Librarian and either Trapper or Convict Gunslinger (and a cache of 7 or 8 stones).

I second the fact that the Viks make great use of their soulstones.

Edited by Serigala
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