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Hanged and Seamus?

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I ran a crew last night that included the Hanged/Grave Spirit combo and honestly I wasn't impressed. The Hanged just never seemed to actually kill anything even close up.

Granted, first effort and all that...

I also might have been a bit conservative with him. Do you just throw him at the enemy and make them deal or is there some combo that I missed...?


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I run Seamus and I've been wondering at all the fuss made of the hanged.

Anyone give us a run down on just what it's meant to bring for the points?

I'm a sucker for fluff (ooh err!) and I'm building a Seamus + all female minion crew so I'd like to get a bit of a heads up before converting a female 'hanged' (me craft knife poised over Perdita...).

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I guess that's something that I've been struggling with. Many of the combat things like "make insignificant" or drain the cards all leave the victim alive and able to hit back. Yes there's activation order and pulling the Hatter out of combat with Lure, blah blah.

Half wounds and no healing is nice though...

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I've had decent success with one Hanged. Whisper can be horrific if you can manage to get it off on a big enemy model, as it can do upwards to 6 damage and prevent healing. But most of their utility is found in their melee. Combined with Trail of Fear from Seamus, everything they hit will immediately flee, barring Fearless or Hard Ass from Von Schill (I hate that ability so much), and the Hanged can then charge after them for free. They should be used as control pieces, not your heavy hitters.

Jack Daw is an absolute nightmare if played correctly. Especially with Seamus and a Hanged, if you get Jack near their Master you will kill them, period. Not being able to cheat or use SS is a death sentence against the high damage that some models can put out. He's worthless if you plan to engage in melee, but with a heavy ranged army he allows you to own the battlefield. I've also had fun running Bette Noir with him (only in very large games, of course) as her high defense and CB combined with paired means that she will usually be winning initial duels, and it makes it child's play to paralyze low defense Masters. I don't use him very much with Seamus, to be honest, he's mostly reserved for my Pandora, but the few times I've brought him out he's lead to some very solid victories. I've seen several players keep him in the back, dragging things with Knot, and that's simply a waste of his large points cost. You need him in the front, disrupting the enemy with Terrifying and Severed Ties to get his points back.

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Okay guys it does take a little getting used to running the Hanged as a lot of their abilities 'waterfall' they are overly aggressive on their own but combined they deal horrendous damage and are great control pieces and tanks.

The grave spirit + hanged combo is gold so long as you arent facing a lot of magic/magic weapons and/or ignore armour effects but for 1ss I often still take it for the extra activation plus he can give armour to your other undead models too.

I have written an extensive piece about the Hanged on Pull My Finger HERE

Hopefully that will help you guys getting the most out of them

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Great article on the Hanged - really useful and good advice, makes me want to give them another try.

The thing I have found with Jack is that yes he really does need to be close to your opponent but getting him there is a nightmare as a good opponent will target everything at him, which means I am discarding a serious amount of cards just to keep him alive :(

I will try him with Kirai though as there are more tricks to get him into range, just don't think he goes that well with Seamus.

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I guess that's something that I've been struggling with. Many of the combat things like "make insignificant" or drain the cards all leave the victim alive and able to hit back. Yes there's activation order and pulling the Hatter out of combat with Lure, blah blah.

Half wounds and no healing is nice though...

Theoretically speaking, a lot of strategies that involve board control, or proximity to an objective, require models to NOT be insignificant. One thing I learned from Fetid Strumpet is that you don't focus on killing the enemy (unless it's the slaughter strategy), you focus on accomplishing the objective/strategy/scheme. If it's a board control strategy, and half your opponents models become insignificant, well, that makes it easier for you to get the precious precious VP

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I ran a crew last night that included the Hanged/Grave Spirit combo and honestly I wasn't impressed. The Hanged just never seemed to actually kill anything even close up.

Well, there's your problem right there :) The Hanged isn't in there to kill stuff. He's there to provide absolutely brutal debuffs to the opposition, most of which have the very unusual characteristic of lasting all game.

In general, he's an outstanding fear inducer. Sure, there are lots of crews that can ignore Morale Duels, but he's a nightmare on those that can't. Last Words, his own Terrifying, etc are all good on their own, but throw Trail of Fear in there and things get very ugly. Sure, Last Words is only a 10 check, but time things in with Trail of Fear and a lot of models will be needing 7+ or 8+ to beat it.

The debuffs are situational, but useful enough that you'll almost always find a target for them. Horrifying will make big targets nicely vulnerable to the Belle debuffs and Lure, and makes Pandora cry. Plenty of crews are very annoying with their healing, and Whisper From Beyond smacks that down. Teddy's not nearly so scary once a Hanged pops him.

There are plenty of other synergies available outside of just Seamus himself... Shikome is an awesome striker with any master, and since she can target Wp she loves seeing a Hanged lead in. With Seamus' crew being generally low-damage, I almost always use her. Onryo can mess with Hoffman or even Perdita by removing their Immune to Influence to let the Hanged do its thing in unexpected places, and has the same ability to target Wp as Shikome.

And while I haven't had to play the Rat Pack yet, in theory and on paper the Hanged should be about a win button against rats - they're Wp 4, Trail of Fear makes that a 2 and against a 10+ Last Words pulse they're needing 8s to avoid fleeing like, ahem, rats from a sinking ship :)

Hope that helps!

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To be honest, I've tried Jack Daw a few times now and unless I am seriously missing something he is not worth the points sink at all, he has now been replaced by Bette who is IMHO is way better.

I know OP was mentioning Hanged but Jack Dawe is uber version.

I guess it depends on your opponent, I've learned to HATE HIM WITH A VENGEANCE... :banghead: when I'm playing Raspy. but against outcast (Gremlins & Mercs) I don't see him being a problem becasue I can out run the :aura of no cheating or use SS.

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Well I can say for sure how nice Terrifying is against Hamelin. And having multiple sources of it would only make it better.

But good advice on the debuff engine aspect of the Hanged. I will try him again a couple more times. I'm been spending more and more time with Seamus as a psychological weapon lately- and starting to see some interesting combos.

Thanks to all for the insights to this thread!

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Seamus often gets looked at first up as someone with a giant handcannon, yes he has that and yes it can do some damage but often once people see how dangerous it is they stay out of range, thats fine though even he doesnt fire a shot he has effectively got board control.

Seamus has a lot of board control and debuff options, The Hanged are another powerful tool in his arsenal.

Yes lots of Terrifying is very good :D Remeber if Seamus takes a totem that totem can cast Face of Death as well to give you another Terrifying 14 4" bubble especially handy if its a grave spirit linked to a Hanged ...

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One of my absolute favorite combos, hands-down:

Horrifying + Undead Psychosis. Undead Psychosis is an absolutely awesome spell to begin with, and if you can tap something with Horrifying it becomes nearly impossible to resist with the :-fate.

For bonus fun throw it on something huge and melee-oriented like Lord Chompy Bits.

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