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Mako's Crew(s)


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Yup, totally bananas. I don't even argue with that any more! But the combo is something I've always pondered, and this is the first time I've seen a sketch that made it work. I tried to put feathers at the bottom of a bat wing once, it didn't work. This way looks much cooler!

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Well, here's the progress. Not going to make the deadline of having her painted by sunday, though I may still have her cast by then. Not much more to do, some tweaking and final bits on the wings (broke one of the tips off photoing her!) and the talons need sorting, then its all done. Not too slow really, eight days from not even having a concept to this point, and there was drinking, casting sessions for a play, and work in that time!


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Alright, I was going to focus on justice's crew now, but a slight change of plan. It looks like I may be going to GenCon, so in the spirit of stupidity a few of the OTT lot have decided to see if we can find space to play a brawl. The crew I'm thinking of taking is:

Colette, 1 mechanical dove

Hoffman, mobile toolkit

Kaeris, essence of power

2 metal gamin

2 fire gamin

2 coryphee

With the basic plan being to turn everything into mannequins, then overheat it using Kaeris, and have Hoff detonate scrap on it. The metal gamin should help keep some of the important bits alive, and the other constructs might help ward off trouble and help get objectives. It's not a particularly serious crew, since it's designed entirely round the mannequin-overheat-detonate trick and I haven't got a clue how to use any of the models.

So far, assuming i take 4 mannequin models, my little status chart looks like this:


Which is not very impressive. I have a long way to go to have them ready for GenCon...

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Victoria, I shouldn't be too hard to find, I'll be the one in a three way brawl with gimmick lists and a lot of stupidity. Oh wait, that might not stand out too much... If you find me, feel free to demand a look in my case! As long as the worst doesn't happen to my bank account I'll be there.

Aye Foe, it's a bit of a mad game really. There's three of us in it and aside from my mannequin's ball list, there's currently an 11 wicked doll list too, and the ten thunders in some form. I think misaki and yan lo for ultimate coolness. No one's out to stomp the others, we're just looking for a hilarious and huge game. 50ss 3 way brawl, 150 stones of stuff going all over the place. How I play every game really!

Hmmm, I might need more than 4 mannequins...

---------- Post added at 02:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

Oh, and I'll put a picture up soon of the crew as it currently stands.

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Fip a card on the day lol.

So far it's just some rimed and some unprimed models, but I'll be doing it as a project so will keep updating wi grips shots every so often as well as closer pictures. Tonight I'm messing with night terrors, so they're painted for Saturday lol

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Ok, a bit of an update on lots of stuff. While I have downtime I've been messing about with some digital sculpting. It's been a lot of fun, and having an undo key is brilliant. But it's just as hard as putty work, and in some ways it's even harder. Here's my messing about over three sessions:


Just wondering what 3D software you're trying out... Blender? Or something else?

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