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On the Clock

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I've been thinking of introducing a "chess clock" to my Malifaux group, similar to WM/H Hardcore but broken down across individual activations. Maybe ... I dunno, 1 minute per activation including duels? Companion situations would stack, meaning you announce an alpha strike w/ 5 Ortegas and that buys you 5 minutes to suss it out.

Has anyone tried this? What do you think? Would this suck the fun out of the game or ratchet up the excitement, promoting faster play and quick thinking?

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Personally I think it would take the fun out of the game. The crews play speeds are far to varied, some are lightning quick while others will be slow no matter what you do... they simply have lots of models or actions in a single turn. So if you can figure out some way to account for all that.... maybe.

But without picking a certain few crews for the fight, I don't think it would work.

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I think the idea is an interesting one. I believe that a minute may be a bit too low however. In the case of Rasputina for example, with her Biting Chill spell the trample could easily go on for 3-4 duels, which you simply can't do in a minute.

Also, I think this will be liked by some, but hated by most. Putting time limits on someone creates stress and that isn't necessarily what people are looking for when they're out to play a game. Perhaps setting a time limit at 2-3 mintues and encouraging players to go faster than that, since it is going to be a friendly game anyway.

Or even provide incentive rather than punishment. Something along the lines of: if all activations are done in under 1 minute, 1 free activation in order of initiative for those eligible happens at the end of the round.

I love the direction though. I am a huge advocate of faster play, it means more games!

Thanks for the ideas!

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I think if there were a timed element introduced into a tournament format, I think the only viable way would be chess clock. The reason timed turns works in WM/H is that a player activates everything he has all at once.

With chess clock timing, a player has to be aware of how much time he has already used. While this can work against them, it can also work for them. They can save up time for a big activation where he has to think and/or do a lot of duels. They also won't waste time with a lot of unimportant activations as well.

That's just my 2 bits.

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How about basic time unit required to execute 1 action (30 sec for example) and you get 1 time unit for every AP your model has ( (0) and Special AP included). I.E. a Terror Tot would get 1 minute activation, but Coryphée Duet would get 3 minutes ( 3x (0) and 3x general AP).

And you really need to consider stopping the clock for opposed duels and in the instances where the opponent takes control or (defensive triggers for example, but also Obey type of actions.).

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I definitely wouldn't do per activation, consider Pandora (OMG Death Clock) but I have considered this using the suggested time limits in Gaining Grounds and dividing it by two, if you run out of time, no more activations...

That occurred to me also. For a regular 25ss game, I believe the time limit was 70 minutes including a 10 minute setup. That would mean 60 minutes of game time over 6 turns (not taking into account varying encounter length). So 10 minutes per turn, 5 minutes per player.

Too tight?

Using a chess clock setup would be interesting, allowing a player to maintain a reservoir of time for those longer, complex activations.

There would definitely be situations where the clock would have to stop, such as a lengthy string of Rapid Fire + Trigger Happy duels, for instance.

Allotting time based on AP would be interesting, if maybe a little complex ...

Edited by Hatchethead
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This is an interesting discussion.

We tried a 70 minute, 25 SS game last night and only manged 3 turns before time ran out. I determined that I really need to learn my models abilities better.

that is really the rub.

the time in the document is plenty for two experienced players in a tournament setting. people just are not used to having to play fast, or there are newer players in tournaments that are not experienced enough with their own models to play at that tempo

Sozoa when did you become killjoy? that's like the least puppet puppet ever.

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