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Malifaux - Freikorps [5 out of 9 done]


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This is my first crew of official Wyrd miniatures models. I have a pretty large collection of "stand in models" to cover pretty much all the Resurrectionist options in the core rulebook.

I got Rising Powers a few months ago and looked through it in search of something small and confined. So I settled on a pure Freikorps crew, which will be 9 models in total. Still have 2 Freikorpsmenn, 1 Specialist and a second Trapper to paint. I'm also waiting for some matt varnish so none of the models have been matt varnished, which is especially painfully evident on the trapper leather side of the coat.

You can check out pictures of each model as well as my reasoning on the paintjobs on my blog. And in the "Malifaux" category you'll also find my Resurrectionists.



Edited by Anatoli
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i like your scheme, it almost looks like a Japanese dress uniform, and i think i like von schill looking kinda asian. the paint work is also quite nice, i am not sure i am big fan of the blue checkers on the trapper tho, they seem kinda out of place, but maybe thats just me :).

either way well done.

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Thanks guys, I personally find the Freikorps to look completely out of place in Malifaux. They look more like "anime army" guys or some kind of Weird WW1 / WW2 thing. A bit too modern for the Malifaux 19th century parallel universe deal.

Lovely sculpts though and the rules look fun. As I wrote on my blog I'll probably end up using them for other things besides Malifaux :-)

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Those are some awesome looking models you have their. A few of the details really shine on them like the quilting on the armour and the lining of the trappers cloak.

I am not sure about the super dark masks though. It gives them a strange change of focal point if you know what I mean. The eye is more drawn to their much lighter arms and legs than their faces.

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Nice tutorial, I like your technique for the stripes. I noticed you use Vallejo Game Colour Matt Varnish. What is is it like, how dull is it and how much can you dilute it? I am looking for a varnish protector for my crews so they don't get chipped when gaming (I tend to not get on with the sprays!). Cheers.

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@Moondog, the bottled Vallejo matt varnish isn’t good for matt varnishing imo. The models are still shiny even after having applied it. It may take some shine off but it is not as good as canned Matt Varnish. I mainly use it to smooth out surfaces when having painted with certain colors that I find usually end up a bit "rough" on the surface.

It is not as thick as gloss varnish and you can dilute it with water at least 50-50 and still have the somewhat mediocre matt varnish quality (and for smoothing out surfaces).

As a sidenote, I finished painting the flamethrower specialist this afternoon so I'll post pictures of him tomorrow. Should also have a group picture of the entire crew up on Friday :-)

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Thanks Cassarus, I'm a member of a few forums which are very specific in content, so sometimes I disappear for long periods until I have something new to show that fits the forum :-)

The flamethrower armed specialist has been painted, only one trapper left to paint so expect a group picture of the 9 model crew tomorrow. More pictures from different angles on my blog:



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These guys did good today. Won against the Guild led by Pertida and her kin. Of course von Schill himself had to suffer from "newly painted model death" and my specialist scared the enemy to concentrate all fire upon him. So from turn 2 and onward it was pretty much the Freikorps and trappers supported by the Librarian running the show. Managed to kill all but Pertida in the enemy crew as well. The game was crazy brutal.

Battle report of it will be up on my blog this weekend. I'll make a notice about it here on the forum as well.

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