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Lord Shaper

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Well I've been working on yet another crew and I've finished up all but the Alps and Insidious Madness which are still being assembled at the moment.

I really didn't want to go along the lines of a black/grey/blue Chompy so I went slightly different.

Also with the Dreamer I wanted him to be using his Flight power and I've changed up how he does it taking some inspiration from Avatar I wanted him flying with a bubble around him of sorts where the land he was standing on...

Well on with the photos.















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Also one thing I wanted to do with the Dreamer and Chompy is have the link between them so the Dreamer has the red shirt which corresponds with Chompy's skin and the Dreamers Blanket is the same colour as Chompy's Loin Cloth... So how Chompy looks is represented by what the Dreamer is wearing

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I love your Lilitu, the dress is incredible! I've always wanted to try more sheer/silky clothes, but have no idea how to go about getting the effect. Care to share your secrets?

It wasn't hard to do and I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not as I was experimenting at the time.

I always use a white undercoat and then just gave the dress a slight wash with watered down Badab Black. from there I went through highlighting it back to white on the high points.

For the sheer look I took the easy route. Since I had her with the dark red skin I grabbed some Ball Red Wash and went over the higher parts so it looks lighter and as if it is showing through the dress.

I don't know if that is how it's suppose to be done but it seems to have worked for me.

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Very interesting Shaper, they have come out well, I agree my pick of the bunch would be Lilitu, followed by the Stitched. Some of the green OSL that you have going on is quite nice.

I built the bases for the stitched first up before I got them as I was trying to figure out how to go about it...

That as well was my first attempt at doing OSL!

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These came out super cool , I like the look a lot .


I have my Alps built now and waiting for undercoat in the morning...

I'm really digging the paint job. Looks great! I especially like the way I get a "Legend" vibe from LCB.....damn now I want to put tim curry's head on a LCB

I never thought of that when I was painting him up but now I have thoughts of seeing Chompy singing Sweet Transvestite!

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  • 4 weeks later...

you've done a great job. I love the glow of your red, which leaves me to question: how do you basecoat your models? you said you went for a white coat on lilitu's dress... do you base them black/white on some of them or do you choose to stick to one colour?

also, do you exclusively use citadel colours?

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It wasn't hard to do and I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not as I was experimenting at the time.

I always use a white undercoat and then just gave the dress a slight wash with watered down Badab Black. from there I went through highlighting it back to white on the high points.

For the sheer look I took the easy route. Since I had her with the dark red skin I grabbed some Ball Red Wash and went over the higher parts so it looks lighter and as if it is showing through the dress.

I don't know if that is how it's suppose to be done but it seems to have worked for me.

Yet another use for the amazing washes. Well done!

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  • 5 months later...
you've done a great job. I love the glow of your red, which leaves me to question: how do you basecoat your models? you said you went for a white coat on lilitu's dress... do you base them black/white on some of them or do you choose to stick to one colour?

I always basecoat in white and go from there... I did use black at one point many years ago but I keep going back to white as it's easier for me to pick up the details.

also, do you exclusively use citadel colours?

Nope I've got Citadel, P3, Ral Patha, AD&D Paints (yes they are 20 odd years old) and VGC

And there will be some updates coming in the next couple of days as I finished the Alps ages ago but never took any photos...

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  • 1 month later...
Very nice, the black and red works especially well on Collodi & Co. Is the pink button on the Doll a Smiley face? If so, nice touch, and thanks for sharing.

Thanks... I didn't pick up on the smiley face on the pink button... I wish I could claim it was planned to look like that heh.

When thinking of a scheme for them I had to go red and black in a Harley Quinn way to get it how I wanted to.

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  • 5 months later...

Well here's some more of what I've been painting











---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

Now for the next 2 Insidious Madness'... I took some inspiration from Ratty's ones but I lack the talent to do as well!





---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

And lastly here are my Effigies since they were painted to fit in with Collodi!

Also here's the Alt Zoraida and her Voodoo Doll since I didn't like the previous photo













---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

And Avatar Zoraida was also finished




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