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New player considering Zoraida/Collodi


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Well, as the title covers i'm a new player to malifaux (completely new, one test game in about to order a crew) and i'm seriously considering Zoraida or Collodi as my first master and figured i'd ask some questions

First off, which is the easier to use/learn?

Second, with a starting Marcus player locally i'm not particularly interested in running Silurids with Zoraida and therefore would be looking for other options, is there a relatively straightforward build for 25ss that can be used instead of the box set? (and i'll admit this is also why i started looking at Collodi)

Third and finally, how reasonable is Collodi's box set for a new player? I know with so few options available to him currently there's nothing particularly missing but other than a pack of Stitched will i find myself needing anything else quite quickly?


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I would rum Zoraida with:

This one could be good.. and is good to expand from that on...

For example with some Terrortots or Marionets...

Neverborn Crew - 25 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache

Convict Gunslinger [6ss]

Doppelganger [8ss]

Stitched Together [5ss]

Stitched Together [5ss]

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Nice, i really like all the models in that list actually... the stitched are one of the Neverborn models that particularly caught my eye, the gunslinger and doppelganger just look great... ok that said i haven't found many Wyrd minis i don't like the look of but with someone like Zoraida it's tricky to know where to start

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I'd definitely recommend Zoraida. Here are some good lists to get started with:



Mature Nephilim 10

Convict Gunslinger 6

Stitched Together 5

Insidious Madness 4



Coppelius 9

Convict Gunslinger 6

Mature Nephilim 10



2 Stitched Together 10

Coppelius 9

Young Nephilim 6

You get the idea :)

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Allidor, cheers for the extra lists, i'd rather steer clear of Nephilim for now as we not only have a marcus player but we have a Lilith player and i'd rather not have too many models that are appearing in their crews too

That said that final list that includes Coppellius i really like the look of, what do people reckon of:



2 Stitched

Convict Gunslinger

Edited by Stonedog-7
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If you want to to have both yes its an expense for 25ss but how about


Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache






Stitched Together

Wicked Doll

and at 35ss

Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache


Primordial Magic





Stitched Together

Stitched Together

Wicked Doll

Wicked Doll

Remember if needs be Mrs Z can summon Wicked Dolls

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If you want to to have both yes its an expense for 25ss but how about


Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache






Stitched Together

Wicked Doll

and at 35ss

Zoraida, the Hag -- 6 Cache


Primordial Magic





Stitched Together

Stitched Together

Wicked Doll

Wicked Doll

Remember if needs be Mrs Z can summon Wicked Dolls

That's exactly the type of Zoraida / Collodi list I was looking to play! Does it actually work at all? >_>

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I have ran the 35ss list against sheamus on a shared claim jump worked really well but instead of the primordial had another WD and only a 5ss Cache.

I was very impressed with it till i emptied my hand and lost a few gamble your life but thats a learning curve. Hopefully running the new list this Sunday so will let you know

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OK, so i've done some more research (Rathnard's tactica on Aethervox is awesome) on Zoraida and with the possible exception of the mini i'm absolutely sold, and i don't really mind the mini all that much

That said because of the other local players (Marcus with Silurids/Waldegeist & Lilith with Neph) i'm still going to go with other options

so i think it's either going to be the above - Gunslinger, Stitched & Copellius or the LaCroix box which i hadn't really considered before but i've had my eyes opened on thanks to Rathnard, my only question now would be is while i'm gathering minis is a pure LaCroix build with Zoraida doable and if so even remotely effective or would it be better to add a couple of LaCroix alongside some of the other Neverborn options

And thanks for all the advice, this is a great community

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A pure lacroix list is good, but with zoridia can be even better. It was run at my lgs before and its pretty good, considering its like a little Ortega family mixed with another master. Its a very good option.

I'm more into collodi though, just the fluff behind him makes me shiver. And he isn't bad either. And his leraning curve is that huge either, neither is zoridias but I feel collodi would be easier to learn first.

But whatever you choose have fun and welcome to the forums. :)

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Well it's good to know it can work :D

True Collodi is very nice background wise from what i know, and very handy to know that maybe he's a little easier than Ophelia to get to grips with... I'm just not sure yet, I'm suffering massively from wanting to run just about everything at the moment so until i sit down and actually force myself to buy the minis i'm very much up in the air between pure Zoraida with an alternate setup or one of the 2 mentioned Henchmen and then adding Zoraida to it to give me more options... particularly as the other options will probably be bought over the next couple of months

And thanks for the welcome

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