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Lady J vs. Sonnia


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Ok guys, I have been playing alot of games now with my father, and I have played a tourny, and found that I like Sonnia better than Lady J when fighting everything but the undead. Now I ask the masters of this game.... Who is really better against what, and who would you play them against?

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With the guild the match ups are:

Sonnia VS Arcanists

Lady J VS Ressers

Perdita VS Neverborn

The Hoff VS still working on that. He's pretty ok at getting everyone

Hoffman VS Flesh//Construct-Grafting (Leveticus, Steamborg, Necropunks)

Mind you however that those match-ups is mostly a fluff thing..

Lady Justice having the most noticable anti-something in that she does a good job at denying counters, but in the end even Justice is really most about swinging her Greatsword at whatever is in front of her no matter the faction affinity..

In terms of pure efficiency and competitiveness I'd rate Perdita the best Guild Master for mostly everything against mostly everyone..

But you should be able to do okay with all of them against anything..

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I think if you drop the Death Marshals and switch those out for more close combat stuff I think you could get a melee Lady J crew that would work close to the shooty Perdita crew that is good for all commers.

I think Sonnia is pretty good for all comers as well simply because everyone has spells they need usually to make their crews work and Sonnia and crew are good at stopping these from going off.

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thanks guys, i like sonnia because of her spells and her abilities to use a sword when needed, so this is the crew i mostly run, tell me what you think



purifying flame

executioner (or Nino sometimes)

witchling x 2

guild austringer

AND when i get it, a watcher, the 3 point guy.

thanks guys

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and if it is a higher cast individual,you can do it with them having more wounds. Also,anything with Hard to Kill is almost automatically going to become a Stalker.

Also another very valid tactic is waiting for a Stalker to be nearly dead,and then violate him to turn him into a stalker. Works best if he has allready activated,and is within 2 inch of one or more enemy models for his explosion.

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