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Numbat's Death Marshals


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Hi everyone, been a while since I've posted here, but I recently got around to posting up photos of my Death Marshals crew. Ironically, I'm using my Rasputina crew in games even though they're not finished...







There are some extra photos on my blog and a link to a lot of work in progress photos (too many spanning too many months for me to link here):


So yeah, now I am back to working on my Rasputina crew and try and get them finished.

I also need to convince Rob Jedi to finish his Death Marshals so we can have another meetup (maybe a scrap or two as well)...

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Thanks for the comments - yeah I've had some other people say that perhaps I need to add some dirt or something to the edges of the coat to give it a bit more texture. Though I guess if I did that I should do it to the Death Marshals' brown coats too.

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Thanks Jeff - I hadn't really kept track of hours, but I'd say probably around 10hrs per figure. That's with a lot of breaks (sometimes spanning months in between).

As you can see in my WIP photos on my blog, they did start life very messy and at times I thought they were so bad I might as well just start over again! But over time I just forced myself back to it and once getting past that half way point of doing I could see the end in sight.

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Thanks for the comments - I went for the Judge Dredd style green coloured knee and shin guards which works very well with the colour scheme that is on the Wyrd studio paintjobs.

I think I need to add a Scales of Justice to the crew next (after I finish the Peacekeeper, though not sure how well the Peacekeeper works with this crew... still learning my way around the rules).

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Thanks everyone! Yes, I will bring them along to the next Hall of Heroes meetup too so you folks in Sydney can have a look.

I'm well on the way to finishing the Cult of December too, I posted a quick update today showing how the Ice Golem is turning out:


Larger pics here with the rest of the crew: http://arrch.blogspot.com/2011/06/malifaux-rasputina-crew-update-again_27.html

I'm going to add some snow and stuff to their bases next (I already started on the Ice Gamin).

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Hey Lord Shaper, yep I am in Sydney - once a month, Hall of Heroes hosts a painting meetup (primarily organised through the OzPainters forum, but anyone is welcome), and they also have Malifaux demo days (the latest one being last Saturday).

I see you went to Kirai me a River event - I was the one who did the CAD work for the promo tokens. :) Congrats on your placing!

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Hey Lord Shaper, yep I am in Sydney - once a month, Hall of Heroes hosts a painting meetup (primarily organised through the OzPainters forum, but anyone is welcome), and they also have Malifaux demo days (the latest one being last Saturday).

I see you went to Kirai me a River event - I was the one who did the CAD work for the promo tokens. :) Congrats on your placing!

I'll have to look into when they have days... Saturday is out for me since I have kids sport stuff on but we've been going out to Blacktown for occasional days and I want to organise a tournament out there when Micheal gets back to me.

Also next month I've been told there is another event down at Sylvania that I'm talking to the wife to let me go to as well if your interested.

Thanks for the Congrats as well... it was a fun day...

I'm around the Pennant Hills area if your around there we could organize a game as long as the wife lets me hehe... I have a local group who I play with too.

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