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Regnak and Scribe's "A Malifaux Couples Modelling Thread"... Thread.


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loving the fence idea! we will need to get that display cabinet rather sooner than later. don't want the ferrets to take a chunk out of all your nice conversions :)

looking forward to continuing work on my daydreams when I'm back. wish I could decide a colour scheme or some nice base conversion.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You seem to have a lot of stuff on the go at once, how do you find working in that way? I'm a finish one thing and then onto the next kind of guy, but it does result in a lot of unpainted minis.

I do like jumping around and working on some before working on others. They will all get completed in the end, there is just some that I fancy working on at a certain time :D I have a Death Korps of Krieg army that I've been working on for a year which contains LOADS of troops. They are all alike so I guess the sudden additional of characterful Malifaux stuff has made me a bit uncontrollable! :D I'm also very out of practice when it comes to non 40k stuff... too used to painting stuff like this..


Edited by Regnak
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Looks great to me! I'm the same with the Malifaux stuff, it is pretty much all I want to paint at the moment. I was doing quite well working through my other armies but I'm really into individual minis so Malifaux appeals the most.

It's nice to get a whole crew painted fairly easily as opposed to hundreds of very similar models.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Absolutely classic, nothing like homage to a great movie. Do think he needs a double barreled shot gun though (otherwise you wont be able to say things like "Good, bad, I'm the man with the gun" and "This is my boom stick")

I was actually tempted to make the shotgun and back holster like the film but sorta chickened out as I didn't want to ruin it... I might go back and add this in the future now you mention it :)

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