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Walking on your Hans

E.T.A. Hoffman

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Hello World,

I ran into a question while running my Freikorps. I was using Hans, who is boss by the way, and he's card says that,

"Weapon, Custom Sniper Rifle: This model may not

make Strikes with this weapon during an activation in

which it moves. All Strikes with this weapon must

target the same model during an activation."

So it's clear that I cannot move and then shoot. But, what about shoot and then move? If Hans pops off a shot and doesn't need to take his second one, can he move? Am I being a rules lawyer here or is the gun suppose to be a move or shoot, but never both kind of weapon?

Thanks much.

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I'd say that the wording shows the intent, as the card says 'an activation in which it moves' rather than 'activation in which it has moved'.

The way I read it, if you plan to move Hans at all, you don't shoot.

Part of me wants to agree with this, however there is no restriction on walking, only on making a strike. Case of RAI vs RAW, RAW really has no such limitation, but I can see where the RAI might be different.

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Well, here's a simple way to look at "during an activation in which it moves".

Did you move? Yes. Then you can't shoot, because you can't both shoot and move in the activation.

Did you shoot? Yes. Then you can't move, because you can't both shoot and move in the activation.

The order has nothing to do with the rule. He can't do both.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Well, here's a simple way to look at "during an activation in which it moves".

Did you move? Yes. Then you can't shoot, because you can't both shoot and move in the activation.

Did you shoot? Yes. Then you can't move, because you can't both shoot and move in the activation.

The order has nothing to do with the rule. He can't do both.

That's how we've always played it, but wording could have been clearer:

"Hans may never shoot and move in the same activation"

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