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strategies snow storm


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i'm going to buy snow storm in july. i just love the model.

but i'm not sure what kind of strategy i can use with her.

do you guys have any options?

i was thinkin to use her together with a golem in 35ss combined with silent one gamin and essence

leaves me with 7ss cache

i just think using the golem with snow storm to rush and kill everything in melee (2 tanks with heavy melee damage) and us silent one with rasputina and gamin to buff raspy and gamin for protection and bite of winter.

the golem can go extreemly fast with the form ice talent. and they both get cover. use raspy to raise armor on them both for survival (or use essence)

i think this is one tactic that would work (never tried it tough but i can try it with a proxy ^^)

any thoughts about this tactic and do you have some other tactics?

regards sephiroa

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Apparently out in July with other models.

See this thread


As for Tactics, not spent much time thinking of them yet.

Looking at Snow Storm he looks better at range against bunched up enemies with Ice Tornado. His defences (Bulletproof, Middle of the Storm & Sleet) look like ranged defences unless I am missing something.

Does look like it can dish it out in close combat but you had better kill the target as you will be relying on your defence stat. Only has six wounds so could be killed in one round.

I have not used him/her in action yet so other people will have practical experience.

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It is also a spirit so the 6 wounds are a bit deceptive and Raspy has a bit of healing in her crew now with the Silent Ones too.

I see Snowstorm being good for take and hold strats such as claim jump or even good for treasure hunt, she can help get overwhelming force into one area of the table and can play the control game as well. Shes a good addition to a Raspy crew.

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yeah hes going to be released in july :)

well, i dunno, with his (0) ability to the bone and his trigger. he can get 3 :+fate in CC this together with him making himself terrifying 12 and flurry (when hé is in CC) he can da a lot of damage, and don't forget the bite of winter :D

he can do some damage with his spells i agree, but only on small and weak minnions who are running in packs (silurids, guild hounds, zombies, ,,,) he can stay alive with his cover bulletproof 3 spirit and maybe armour 2+. and don't forget he has eat your fill, so you wan't to have him in CC and kill something when you get shot at, even spells will do little damage agains him if you give him armour 2+ with his cover, only the stupid hunters can shoot at him and do some damage but still, spirit, bulletproof 3.

he is a tough one to kill, even with "only" 6 wounds and since he can heal himself with eat your fill.

imagine you enemy shooting like mad at snow storm, leaving him with 1 wound left, and you get them all back just by killing a small zombie or a silurid.

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Agree that he can dish it out in close combat but if you charge into the middle of the enemy they will just swamp you with close combat attacks where your Bulletproof and cover do not count. You then explode with Shatter :)

Anyone trying to take him out with shooting will find it hard work.

Looking at some scenarios

If you charge in you will get two attacks with :+fate to the damage. IF both hit you will inflict 12 points of damage especially if Grip of Winter Triggers. I presumed severe damage.

If you have two targets within 10cm of each other and one of them within 6 inchs of you, you can target them with Ice Tornado twice inflicting 3 points of damage on each and if Overpower triggers you can do it again. Ignoring the overpower you still get two attacks inflicting 3+3+3+3 damage IF the attacks hit. Presumed moderate damage.

So damage wise they are equal but see below.

-Now you have slightly better chance of getting the physical attack to hit as you have a CB 6 vs. CA 5.

-Cover for the target is not applicable for the casting attack as it is not a :ranged spell. So ranged modifiers do not count including firing into melee. :)

Targeting something like your Ice Golem in melee and then spreading the blast markers over the enemy is very viable.

-Range to target might be 6.1"-7" so you can charge but be out of range of casting.

-Number of targets within 10cm of each other. 1 target = charge it, 2 = dealers choice, 3+ = shoot.

- If you can cheat the damage up to severe in shooting you will be looking at targets within 15cm of each other. If you are targeting your own model you can cheat your defence down to get a better flip for damage.

- Bite of Winter from the Golem/Gamin is more effective the more targets you have.

Thinking about the above I would lead with the Golem with Snowstorm behind. Snowstorm casts Ice Tornado on the Golem as that way you have more control of the final duel totals. Make certain you get severe damage which can then extend 15cm from the Golem with the Golem only taking 1 pt of damage. Even better if the Golem has done his Bite of Winter. This gives a max range of 6" + 40mm (Golem base) + 150mm (blasts) so over 13" range to inflict 4pt of blast damage to targets without armour.

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Note that the extra damage from Bite of Winter only applies to the initial target of the Ice Tornado attack and not to the blast damage.

In my opinion Snow Storm is ridiculously expensive for a 6 wound model. Bullet proof and Spirit still let 1 point of damage through per hit, so if you put them in a position where they can be focused by enemy fire you'll end up with one very expensive heap of nothing (not even corpse counters to show for it). Models with a potentially large number of attacks like Nino and the especially the Convict Gunslinger (paired pistols get around your cover) are especially dangerous.

In close combat you'll have to select your targets carefully as well. If you get stuck in combat and your tagert survives the onslaught chances are you won't get to activate again to heal up. So the way I would play it is to keep them as second line support, close to Raspy, and blast away at the enemy. Only charge models you're confident you can kill. And make sure you always know where the magical weapons/nasty spells are.

Final note: Stay away from Levi. You won't like what he does to your 11 point model.

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Since I finally got my hands on a book 2 and looked at Snow Storm, I was really disappointed. His list of abilities is amazing, but any opponent with any offensive power will kill him as soon as he's exposed. His shooting defenses are not very synergistic with spirit, and in melee he'll get torn to to pieces.

A great support model, but a model needs to be more for 11 points. I'd rather run a second Silent One and have 5 more points to spend, tbh.

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well, i will run him with an ice golem. bring golem in with form ice. and let him be the tank to take damage. they WILL have to choose.

it could be a very nice strategy. i don't know yet, but i'm going to test it.

i know that snow storm can die very easy, but everyhting dies easy if you throw a complete crew at them. they will have backup from my raspy. if they can hit my snow storm. raspy can hit them 2

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Now remember that you should have a fair bit of terrain on any given Malifaux table so it twill be rare for the opposing crew to all get a bead on Snow Storm, also Raspy has Ice pillars which help with baord control and blocking LoS further.

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I have played a number of games with my proxy SnowStorm and it's a lot tougher than you think especially with Eat Your Fill and a Silent One nearby to heal as well. The - to attack with Spirit and Bulletproof 3 (and December's Touch if you're feeling naughty) means that SnowStorm will only be taking 1 Wd from most shots against you. So the opponent would have to hit you six times in an activation to put you down. Easy for the Ortegas, but they're crazy good shooters anyway.

These tricks don't help against direct Wd though and Levi is a particular worry. He can knock off 4Wd with one spell.

Hope this helps


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Also watch out for Hamelin (making you insignificant and only attacking him, oh wait you can't attack him so no attacks for you at all!) and Colette (Magicians Duel and Disappearing Act with Mannequin replacement trigger) Those 2 masters can easily nullify/remove snowstorm from the game with just a (1) Action!

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Also watch out for Hamelin (making you insignificant and only attacking him, oh wait you can't attack him so no attacks for you at all!) and Colette (Magicians Duel and Disappearing Act with Mannequin replacement trigger) Those 2 masters can easily nullify/remove snowstorm from the game with just a (1) Action!

well now you are countering with masters, if you think that snow storm is the only model on the field :) it is easy to say, snow storm can be countered with that, but to acctually perform the act,, is a whole different story my friend :)

snow storm will have back up from rasputina, silent one AND a golem.

and like you said ortegas can pul the little trick of taking snow storm down, but don't forget, snow storm has df 6. and when using ice pillars they all have to be cluster together to get a good shot (save for perdita) wich is a juicy target for decembers curse :)

and wyrd released new pictures


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So... Can anyone point to other models in the game that can take 6 hits and survive it? There are certainly a few crews that can get around the Spirit/Armor defense, but not many. I run a Hanged+Grave Spirit on a regular basis, and it makes for an incredibly hard target. Snowstorm is the same.

It's certainly an expensive model, but I'm not sure how anyone could consider it fragile.

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So... Can anyone point to other models in the game that can take 6 hits and survive it? There are certainly a few crews that can get around the Spirit/Armor defense, but not many. I run a Hanged+Grave Spirit on a regular basis, and it makes for an incredibly hard target. Snowstorm is the same.

It's certainly an expensive model, but I'm not sure how anyone could consider it fragile.

exactly but it is fragile when you use magical attacks and spells, and most hard damaging spells are ranged spells so you still have the bulletproof 3 and maybe armor 2+ to ignore most of the damage. and the soft cover gives you the opportunity that his spell may not even work, and when it does snow storm has df high enough to counter it.

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