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I've never used an Alp bomb.


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Two lists for your approval for tomorrow nights game. Comments/criticisms appreciated:


3x Daydreams

6x Alps





3x Daydreams

5x Alps




I love coppelius, but Ive not used the twins yet. Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

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Alpbomb is cheesy and it is not a nice list to play with or against....Just cheesy

And to be honest, it was discussed a lot so your oponent shouldn´t be suprised....

Do not forget, that you will get overactived, when your Alps are burried..Maybe a Stitched together to provide some cover.

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The guy im playing reads the forum A LOT so he wont be surprised.

One of the guys i play warhammer with says theyre bent, but i see them in paper as a one hit wonder. If anything i want to try it once to see what the hype is about.

I dont like being "one of those gamers", so if its really soul destroying, i wont take it again. But i feel i should try it out at least once.

Edited by ChefsDad
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Dunno...Stitched together´s fog is great for getting not shot and his Not dead! (or whatever) is making it quite good model for bodyguarding the dreamer. But you must bury it at the end of your turn and rebury afterwards.

With Neverborn everything depends on playstyle. If you really want to play Alpbomb, I fear that I´m not the right person to answer...

But Leli/Lili + Alps doesn´t feel right. Don´t forget, that when one dies, the other quicky follows..Just dunno..

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are you forced to make a single list or can you change depending on strategy. If you are forced to take a single list put in 1 stitched together, Its th e best model there for a 2 strategies, deliver a message, and the one for Kill ratio.

if you just want to play for fun you can... oh wait.. alp bomb, never mind.

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Coppelius is really good to take for an Alp Bomb, not only for his ability to make more Alps, but for his Sleep My Friends which slows all non-Master models in a 3" pulse.

I honestly think the best way to understand the cheesiness of the Alp Bomb is to play a game with it and see it for yourself. Just make sure to remember all of the Alps' passive abilities when you play. Their 5 passive abilities are really their bread and butter for doing damage and staying alive, while their AP are spent facilitating the passive abilities going off (hence the cheese factor).

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Well, played a game against the Viks and one agains the Hoff.

For me, they were kind of a one hit wonder, they turned up, did a bucket load of wounds and then fell over, either to Sword Vik, or to Hoffman blowing up all his scrap counters or casting open circuit.

However, the one hit they did do was hideous. They're just horrible. I can see how I played poorly with them, but even then they were a bit bent. If I learned how to use them properly...

That's not to mention my Vik opponent, who appeared to be experiencing pure rage. I don't like doing that to people.

In short, I don't like them. Not in that size anyway. 2-3 might be OK, but 5-6 is a little disgusting, and I didn't have much fun with them.

The twins were awesome though! I'll be using them more often. Hopefully I'll learn to use them to their full potential.

Thanks all for the advice. I'll retire now and go for a shower. Need to scrub all this filth and cheese off ;)

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Hey Luke,

Who was it you subjected to the Alp bomb?

Was looking at the Dreamer crew but turned elsewhere in the end purely because the bad rap of the alp bomb move.

I know for sure there are certain people down my club who don't have those mrals though so maybe should make him one of my masters first to put them off for a while!



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Hey dave.

Was one of my mates who plays the Viks.

I personally dont think its as strong as a more balanced list, but maybe im more comfortable with the tactics of it. I might have to try it agin in the very distant future, but for now, ill go back to my usual lists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So...my questions is...if the Alp Bomb is so disgustingly powerful (not to mention it takes no skill whatsoever), then why hasn't it been changed? If the Alp Bomb didn't require some proper placement to be truly effective, I would rank it up there somewhere with the "Indiscriminate Void Infinite Loop" with Hamelin (pre-errata).

So...do you guys think they will make changes to Alps in the Book 2 V2 cards to prevent the abuse?

To be honest...it is beatable, but only if you know you're playing against it and can build your list accordingly. In competitive play, you wouldn't really have much advanced warning before they get dropped in your lap. Granted...it would be a pretty low blow to take an Alp Bomb in a competitive environment.

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So...my questions is...if the Alp Bomb is so disgustingly powerful (not to mention it takes no skill whatsoever), then why hasn't it been changed? If the Alp Bomb didn't require some proper placement to be truly effective, I would rank it up there somewhere with the "Indiscriminate Void Infinite Loop" with Hamelin (pre-errata).

So...do you guys think they will make changes to Alps in the Book 2 V2 cards to prevent the abuse?

To be honest...it is beatable, but only if you know you're playing against it and can build your list accordingly. In competitive play, you wouldn't really have much advanced warning before they get dropped in your lap. Granted...it would be a pretty low blow to take an Alp Bomb in a competitive environment.

Most likely they will not see a change because they are not over-powered or broken as some say. The Alp bomb is a mean tactic and that's about it, it really loses it's effectiveness after the first time and can be countered. It is also not a be-all end all to the game either.

In a Competitive Environment, anything goes is the general rule. It doesn't matter how dirty or cheap it is, as long as its legal it's generally fine. You will see far worse then an Alp bomb in competition I bet.

You don't need a special list to deal with it, or even advanced warning before you start the game. You simply have to know how it works and how to deal with it. From there it's up to you.

But it's pretty basic... you spread out. The Alp bomb is most effective when your crew is close enough together that the Alp's can double or triple cover your models. So if you stick close together, your going to get it in the teeth. But if your smart, and spread out you can handle it. Also remember how easy an Alp is to kill. If you have access to AE's they are simple to deal with, otherwise you bite the bullet and take them down one at a time. Sure some crews will have a small chance at fighting through them... but thats the game. Not every crew has the same chance at killing every other crew.

There is of course pages of stuff you can say on this subject and there are a great many ideas floating around. But the basic point is, the Alp bomb is not as bad as it's made out to be. It is certainly mean to use in a friendly game, but if your worried about Competitive games and using mean lists well... don't worry. Its how Competition is... the mean abusive lists always show up along with the balanced focused lists etc.

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I agree with Karn, having been on the receiving end of a couple of them, its not the nastiest trick that the Dreamer can pull and it is managable, rember things like focus arent strikes as well so sure you only really get one action that turn but it usually ends up with a dead alp, once they start dying it goes down quickly.

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I mean, I've personally never played against it, but I have a feeling none of my crews would really have a problem with it.

Hamelin, Irresistable Lure...bye bye.

Mercs - Specialist....flame broiled alp anyone?

Levi - Desolation ftw!

Ophelia - Pere Ravage to the Rescue.

So...yeah I'm set.

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The thing to be wary of though, is most crews, as Necromorph highlights, has something to deal with the Alp Bomb. If the Dreamer can drop down the Alp's around that threat, then it could be more dicey. Having to activate while within range of 4+ Alp's will likely be rather painful and the model is probably going to be slow in the process, thereby reducing their effective damage output (assuming they survive the turn!).

Just something to bear in mind. I was Alp Bombed at a tournament just last weekend. Had opponents whole crew jump on my Duet! Luckily, with the help of my positive flips and a friendly Dove, managed to survive the onslaught and get the heck out of dodge!

I can imagine most targets of that tactic will die though...

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