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sacrificing a model as part of slow to die



I play with resurrectionists. I've seen that Molly has philosophy of the uncertain and have seen elsewhere on the forum that she can use this as her slow to die action as it is a 1 point spell.

Is this right as it seems a little overpowering as it is sacrificing a model that is already effectively dead. My fiance and I have been playing it as a no thus far.

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Killjoy + necropunk = win

Killjoy's rule has this in it

All models in its Crew receive “(1) Sacrificed: On or

before the fourth turn, sacrifice this model and Place

Killjoy in base contact with it before it is removed from


I like the Seamus list that is made up of Belles, Necropunks a Crooked man and Killjoy. What is that, every model in your crew has slow to die and can sacrifice itself to bring Killjoy into play on it's death.. Mu ha ha ha ha. That really has the opponent second guessing every move they make.
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After hearing about this on the recent Malifools podcast (great show guys!) I just had to look into it.

I'm wondering if this ruling still applies, as the current FAQ states:

"When a model dies, it remains on the table while any abilities and effects caused by its death are resolved. During this time it can't be affected by effects or healing." (emphasis mine)

Example: Sonnia has cast Inferno on herself. When Sonnia is killed she generates a Pulse which causes 6 damage. If this Pulse kills a Desperate Mercenary, the Desperate Mercenary can't heal Sonnia as she already counts as killed. The Desperate Mercenary would then be removed, followed by Sonnia.

Now, Slow to Die has a specific rule that allows healing to cancel the kill effect, but nothing about allowing other effects to affect the slow to die model.

So wouldn't this FAQ cause the sacrifice effect from PoU to not affect Molly? I'm guessing the spell still goes off and she kills the target, but would she not still count as killed by the model that killed her?

Similarly how does this affect Killjoy's (1)sacrificed action being used as a Slow to Die action?

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But like I mentioned, the FAQ says that the model can't be affected by effects or healing. Being sacrificed is an effect of Philosophy of Uncertainty, so based on the FAQ Molly can't be affected by the sacrifice effect as she's already dead.

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

Hmm, though the rule for Slow to Die says it comes into effect "after the model is killed" the FAQ for Slow to Die says that "...its death is postponed and it may immediately perform a (1) Action.", so the FAQ for Death I quoted earlier probably wouldn't apply.

So I guess Sacrifice as a Slow-to-Die action is still legit.

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