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Question for players in and around Boston area.


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I have a friend who plays Rasputina and really wants a pair of Silent Ones. It will be his birthday in a couple weeks so I thought I'd get him some, since he gave me a pair of Stitched Togethers that I badly need to start painting. Unfortunately my FLGS hasn't been ordering the latest couple waves of malifaux minis and so doesn't have them in stock. The owner offered to special order some just for me, but said that it might take up to a week and a half to get them here in Vermont.

However, I am traveling down to Boston area one Monday to stay for a couple days visiting colleges. Now here's where I pose my question. Are there any gaming stores in or around boston that stock malifaux, and are likely to have some silent ones in stock. A short list of names will suffice.

Thank you to any who respond.

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There is a store called Pandemonium Books and Games that has Malifaux, it's in Central Square right between Harvard and MIT, five feet from the subway stop for Central. I don't know if I've seen Silent Ones there, but I don't usually look for them because I don't play Raspy.

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There is a store called Pandemonium Books and Games that has Malifaux, it's in Central Square right between Harvard and MIT, five feet from the subway stop for Central. I don't know if I've seen Silent Ones there, but I don't usually look for them because I don't play Raspy.

Ah. I'll be sure to keep this in mind.

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