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An interesting Idea for a tournament.

Dark Alleycat

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Ok,so while the BS was flowing freely at the local game store recently,an idea for a tournament was proposed.

That was you make a 35 point list,out of whichever faction you wanted. Odd part is,you dont choose a master. You reach into a hat and pull out a master,and that is the one you use.

Now this brings out..a lot of questions.

First off,how would you handle the Cache? So for that,my idea was once you got your master,you could drop one model from the total to get SS's back.

What about models that only affect certain types? For that,my idea was all models in your army gain the appropriate type for whichever master you use. Belles for Seamus,constructs for Ramos. Family or kin for Perdita and Ophelia. Now this to my mind would be the biggest problem with this idea. Anyone have some thoughts on what might make this a bit easier? or just change the wording on specific masters to affect whatever type your army has.

So lets hear it guys,what do you think about this? Give me some recommendations to make this run.

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Well,the idea would be to take the part that makes them connected to those minions,and apply it to the new minions.

With models being summoned,they would probably be summoned the same way as normal.

Like for instance...if you drew the dreamer...every model would have the nightmare characteristic. Now..maybe it should be Master and Totem or Totems. So maybe...30 SS worth of models. Master and either a full complement of totems,or totem and however many SS's that remain.

So Sonnia criid gets Purifying flame and 3 extra SS.

Dreamer gets 2 Daydreams,1 SS.

Perdita gets Enslaved Nephilim and 3 SS

Von Schill gets 4 SS because he doesnt need a totem.

Colette gets 2 Doves,1 SS.

Leveticus would get 3 SS and a hollow Waif.

Seamus gets a copycat killer and 3 SS.

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Lady Justice gets Scales and 3SS

Mcmourning gets a Grave Spirit,2SS,2 Bodyparts. mainly because his Cache is too big otherwise lol.

Nicodem gets 2 vultures and 1 SS

Marcus gets jackalope,and 4SS

Ramos gets Brass Arachnid,3SS

Rasputina gets essence of power and 3SS

Pandora gets Primordial magic,3 SS

Lilith gets Malifaux Cherub,3 SS

Zoraida gets Voodoo Doll,3 SS. Voodoo doll placed free first turn.

Viktorias get 5SS,they generally dont need a totem and they definitely need the stones.

Som'er gets a mosquito and 3 SS.

Thats all of book one masters,dont have book two but you can see how it goes im fairly sure.

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Or give the Master's ability a change and lets it affect whatever unifying type of model you have in your crew.

Like for instance..you have 30 points of nephilim,and you draw Seamus. Now instead of him affecting and ressurecting Belles,he is able to do that with Nephilim.

you have 30 points of Performers..and you end up drawing Von Schill. Now all the abilities that affect Freikorp affect performers. Probably not an ideal match up,but then again,rather then it being random...you made the list so you should have some idea of what and where to go.

you make a list of Woes,and draw say..the Dreamer. all the Dreamer abilities that affect nightmares,now affect Woes.

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it's not a bad idea, even I like running "interesting" tournament. But one thing, what if the player does not have that master?

Sadly enough, each model usually works in a certain way. If someone had LCB and had, lets say Trapper. Nothing seems to work with each other.

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It could be interesting, but you'd almost certainly run into some massive balance issues. What happens when you make a Hanged a Belle because you drew Seamus? Or turn Punk Zombies into Spirits? And would you give everything with Raspuitina Frozen Heart, or just make them constructs?

It might make for a fun side event, so long as nobody took it too seriously.

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Well,part of it would be that the effects on your master that listed say for instance,Kirai and spirits. But your army was composed of Guardsman. Instead of her abilities affecting spirits,her abilities would affect guardsman.

You make a nephilim army,and you draw Rasputina. you treat nephilim as if they had frozen heart.

Another Idea I had,and one that might or might not work better,but would be similar. You play the first game as normal. Its a Treasure hunt. The second game,everything is normal,except the spirits of the Masters have gotten a little twysted.you put all the cards for them in a pile and shuffle them,then you pick a random one. Your master looks the same,but has instead the stats and abilities of the one you drew. Any specific wording on the master that deals with a type of henchman will now apply to the members of your army.

so 35 points for the first game,30 points with the bit earlier about the totems and SS's for the cache.

The general idea behind this would be just a fun "try out a master you might never have thought to try" sort of event. Plus I think the idea of making people think on their feet and adapt their playstyle in the game would be interesting.

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Well,part of it would be that the effects on your master that listed say for instance,Kirai and spirits. But your army was composed of Guardsman. Instead of her abilities affecting spirits,her abilities would affect guardsman.

Right - that's kinda my point... What does Kirai's easy healing to do Guardsmen? Or Nephilim if you make them all immune to Morale? It's a huge wildcard thrown into the mix. Could certainly be fun, but there are bound to be a lot of unexpected interactions...

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None of these would change how the models work.your nephilim would still be nephilim. Your master's interactions would change a bit,but the master would mostly play the same. I dont understand where you are getting the immune to morale thing,to my knowledge no master gives that to his troops.

Now this could open up some interesting ideas to further refine it. Perhaps having the list buildings be one unique and the rest rare's and lower.

Like say..

Nekima,Lelu,Lilitu,and a Terror Tot.

3 rotten belles,2 punk zombies,2 Crooked men.

Samael hopkins,2 Stalkers,Peacekeeper,Austringer.

Datsue-ba,2 Gaki,Onyro,2 Seshin,Shikome.


Judge,3 Death Marshals,witchling stalker,Executioner.

As an example. You build your 30 point list. You make it,and I would assume you would want to keep it so that it could work with any Master.

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Is the master faction specific or any master in the game? I presume faction specific but it is a bit unclear.

Why not change it to 20/25SS of your list is fixed and then you can spend the remaining SS after determining what your master is.

That should remove the need to have a list of what totems and cache the master starts with (or players could write their list with an entry of Totem 2SS and then pay the difference or receive it back in their cache, and just pick which ever totem). This also removes the messiness of having all minions getting a new trait (peacekeeper with family?).

How would henchmen work? Would they only count as masters or could you take them in a crew? What happens if you take a henchman in a crew and a different (or the same) Henchman is drawn as a master?

I think Buhallin was talking about minions becoming constructs (thus immune to moral) say if taken with Ramos.

These ideas for the tourney/event certainly have merit though keep us posted :)

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