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Starting player's Leviticus list


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Hey there all - new to the world of Malifaux, though not to the world of wargaming. I thought I would build up a Leveticus list to start, even though his laundry list of special rules might be a tad difficult to assimilate for a new player. But whatever, I'm sure I'll get there eventually, and his fig/style is quite entertaining in the meantime.

Anyhow, here's my the initial list I plan to purchase, working off the starter set and adding a few things. Let me know if there is something wrong or lacking in it please.


Rusty Alice - 9

SP Abomination - 3

SP Abomination - 3

SP Abomination - 3

SP Abomination - 3

Necropunk - 3

Necropunk - 3

Peacekeeper - 9

TOTAL - 35 ss

For additional starter purchases not represented in this list, my thought was a few extra Hollow Waifs since they seem so important and easy to generate. Also another pack or two of SP Abominations for the same reason. Finally a Desolation Engine for my SPA's to transform into if necessary, or to create from destroyed enemies if I get lucky - though I shall have to convert it a tad with some more steampunk-y extras (chainsaw blades or something), as he looks entirely too "normal" for my tastes.

Anyhow, are there any thoughts?

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while the Peacekeeper is great, I think their are some better things to spend your time and energy on. If you're doing Leveticus I like to stick to the scary undead stuff...

I'd use Killjoy, personally. It's nice and easy to get him out with Levi you always have a hand with crap in it.

Necropunks are great, both in looks and what they offer your SPAs.

If their is one thing you are lacking is something that drops a Corpse Counter for your second Waif... I like Canine Remains, but Necropunks can work... but I like them for moving around...

I'd snag the Desolation Engine, the Hollow Waifs and another clamshell of SPAs and go from their....

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Looks like a fairly good list. The 4 Steampunk Abominations to start mean you can essentially catapult your Desolation Engine over the other side of the table for Turn 1 killage if you want. I quite like Necropunks in my Leveticus crew just as they're fast and not being Insignificant are quite good at taking objectives. I've not used the Peacekeeper myself so can't say a great deal on that.

The only thing I'd be a little concerned about myself is the SS Pool. Whilst I don't find Levi needs many as healing etc is less of a concern. The odd spare one to force through the odd spell or Death Touch are very useful and can ultimately turn the game around for him so might be worth trying a slightly different configuration to get a couple of SS in there for spells.

Extra SPAs won't hurt. I'm making do with the 4 at the minute myself but have a couple of times found myself able to create more but have no minis for them and there's not many things more frustrating than that!

Otherwise, he's a very tricky master to pick up but if you stick with him he's very rewarding to play! I started off with a cheat-sheet reminding me what needs to be done in which phase just as there are so many little bits to remember that occur at different intervals. All in all though, you have good taste for picking Leveticus! :D

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On Soulstones - my hope was to use the general rule about not taking a Scheme, and getting 2 free Soulstones for just that sort of use (getting a cool Death Touch off or something)]

On the Peacekeeper - looking at the thing, it appears to be fairly self-sufficient. So I had thought about using it to just stomp around, and be big, scary and killy to draw attention, while the rest of the army does it's own thing. Additionally, my 2nd Master in this game will probably be Hoffman who does like the Peacekeeper, so I can sort of share purchases that way

I don't know -those are my two thoughts there, perhaps you more experienced folks have other opinions though?

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Hoffman and Levi do play well together, and I'm planning on some similar cross-over there. I don't think the Peacekeeper is the best choice for Levi, necessarily, but it goes GREAT with Hoffman.

And I wouldn't depend on the 2 Soulstones for a Scheme thing all the time. You may want to take 2 Schemes sometimes.

I would also consider Ryle, who also works great with Hoffman, but does pretty well with Levi too.

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I've personally never played with dropping a scheme. I suppose in some instances I can see some use in it but I always figure that the extra 2 vp (if announced etc) that are on offer will have a bigger swing on a game than the extra 2 SS. But then I may be wrong, and if it's the difference between no SS and having a few to use in game then maybe it would work. Might have to try it out some! :)

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  • 10 months later...

Hi, I am kinda in the same boat as you Beaker. New to Malifaux but not wargaming.

Again, I really like the look of Levi... and his fluff

Elazar, Could you point me in the direction of a 'turn guide' such as the one you mention?

It does seem to be a pretty steep learning curve, any any help is appreciated :)

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Well I just jotted it all down myself on paper but I just sat down at home (with perhaps a little too much free time I suppose!) and worked out anything that needed to be done with the crew and at what point in the game/turn these events occurred. Including all the bits like Rusty Alyce's extra cards, Levi's end of turn wounds and the timing of the Waif sacrifice cycle if Levi's died and drawing a new hand etc. It really helped me to get a hang of things even if it did mean it slowed me down a little for a couple of games after that it became second nature to place Levi, sacrifice all my waifs and then summon them again etc.

There is a steep learning curve with Levi but it's very rewarding and the problem I now have is trying to find another crew to play - because he turns the game on its head with all his complicated little rules (and by ignoring half of the conventional rules of the game!) I'm struggling to find other masters quite as engrossing! :D

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