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I am not sure if I post this topic on the right place..


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..But I would like some advice and answer.You see,I just start playing Malifaux and a lot of player in my Hobby center use Ressurectionist.I wanted to know if they have any weakness I can use to my adventage.Also,to help been in concept,I play Gremlin and allready got some model under way.There also two question I would like answer:

I saw the Stat Card for Seamus,and it will be a very dangerous for me(He can kill a Bayou Gremlin in a week range attack!).Is there any way to conter him?

Also,one of the player I will play again ofthen use the Overdose ability of is nurse(He got MCmourning box set).While looking at the V2 stat card for nurse,I notice afther using Overdose,you have to sacrefice the model that resive it at the end of the turn!My question is,could is stat card is V1,if so do the affect are not the same and he dint know,or is he cheating on purpose?

I hope some poeple could answer me,thank you in advence!

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Well, I can't speak to whether your opponent was cheating or just didn't know, but Overdose has always required the model to be sacrificed.

As to matching up with Seamus... You might have better luck with that over in the Outcasts forums. I don't play Gremlins, but it seems like a bad matchup on your end. Biggest advantage will probably be your numbers. Spread them out, and try to keep collecting/eating the corpse counters so he can't just rez his girls back. Not sure what else to tell you, hopefully a Gremlin player (either here or in the Outcasts forum) will be along to help more.

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Ok first off,are you playing as Ophelia or as Som'er.

Second off,remember his gun can only shoot once a turn. Although he is generally as mobile as you are,his belles arent. But they do have the WP things going for them.

Dumb luck is a good way to deal with him. Pigs to stop the corpse counters. if your playing Opehlia,then young Lacroix are really potent. Rami will be an utter nightmare.

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I play the LaCroix's so my Gremlin experience may not be enough, but here it goes.

Seamus is a beast with his gun but he only gets one shoot with it and all the Resser's masters have a 4 Df which is not hard for gremlins to hit. You can gunline the heck out of the minions but without for the Belle's lure, your Wp is crappy, and the Hanged.

I too suggest asking this question in the Outcast forum.

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I actualy have Order the Lacroix box set because all the model was unique in it.Over all,whan all my stock will arrive,I will have,in total,4 Bayou Gremlin,4 Piglet,1 Hog Whisperer,3 Stuffed Pigglet and the whole Lacroix box set.I also intend on getter Sommer thoot a bit later on.

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Like I said,I wasnt sure if I put it in the right place,but,since my question was Resurectionist related,I thought it would be the best place.I am sorry if it not.Worst case,if a moderator could move it to the outcast thread.Also,thank you for answering,I take any advice I can.Like I said,I am new and dont know all the rule yet.

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I actualy have Order the Lacroix box set because all the model was unique in it.Over all,whan all my stock will arrive,I will have,in total,4 Bayou Gremlin,4 Piglet,1 Hog Whisperer,3 Stuffed Pigglet and the whole Lacroix box set.I also intend on getter Sommer thoot a bit later on.

You can not use pigs in a list lead by Ophelia, bit then again she doesn't synergize well with pigs anyways. Goto the Outcast forum and read the LaCroix tactic thread.

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She was one of the teasers so her is a link to her card


Otherwise her stuff is all in book 2. You will get the cards with the models.

Stuffed piglets can only be used in gangs with the taxidermist.

I would suggest planning on buying the sommer box and the taxidermist soon to allow you to use all the models you already have.

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Resurrectionists have no weakness. Join the dark side, my child...

Ok but seriously, eat their corpses with your pig. That's a dirty trick and I hate it, so it must be good for you. Also remember that Nic's mindless zombies count as corpses, so the pig can instakill them.

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