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hey ya'll...

the heater in my room (which is actually HEATING my room today) is making the most horrendous noises this morning... I'm worried it might explode... O_O

Luckily I have Evasive 3... though I'm not sure if that works on Hot water, steam, and angry computers....

Heh...reminds me of my networking class in high school...teacher was making us put together the junk computers for the pc hardware class because the hardware class was a bunch of lazy punks...I plugged in a ground wire into a spot for a jumper. The punks turned the machine on to confirm it worked...smoke started pouring out the case as the wire melted from the inside. I wasn't there, but I heard about it later...my teacher thought it was hilarious once I told him.

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hey ya'll...

the heater in my room (which is actually HEATING my room today) is making the most horrendous noises this morning... I'm worried it might explode... O_O

Luckily I have Evasive 3... though I'm not sure if that works on Hot water, steam, and angry computers....

Well that's a lovely way to start the day! And I'm betting it's one of those systems where you can't control it room to room huh? So no way to really turn it off?

In other news... it's Raining! Drive in was an adventure in 0 visibility from road spray, terrible drivers, and a Tractor Trailor weaving in an out of traffic.

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Yeah, driving in Mass. is always an interesting adventure...oddly enough, I still prefer it to Erie drivers in winter. Crazy drivers are one thing...stupid ones are another.

The NH drivers are just plain scary at times, who the heck goes 60mph in the left hand lane on a 3 lane highway.... that lane is usually easily 80mph. Then changes lanes with no signal and goes even slower forcing people to slam on the breaks. Then jumps back into the left lane again causing more squeeling tires O.o Drivers like that cause accidents and put everyone on the road in danger. *grumbles* Some times I just want to tap them with my bumper and give them the hint to get the heck out of the way >.>

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The NH drivers are just plain scary at times, who the heck goes 60mph in the left hand lane on a 3 lane highway.... that lane is usually easily 80mph. Then changes lanes with no signal and goes even slower forcing people to slam on the breaks. Then jumps back into the left lane again causing more squeeling tires O.o Drivers like that cause accidents and put everyone on the road in danger. *grumbles* Some times I just want to tap them with my bumper and give them the hint to get the heck out of the way >.>

Heh, you just summarized Erie drivers pretty well...I don't remember NH being that bad, but I wasn't on the highway much while I was living there. But yeah, aggressive drivers don't get people killed, stupid drivers do...

and with that PSA on highway driving, I'm going to bed. G'night folks!

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