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I'm not bad. Entertaining myself with the threads arguing balance in the main forum section while I eat dinner. Debating if I want to paint Alt. Rasputina or Puppets.

Loving the alt Rasputina (Not Literally! :D). Had to choose to leave her off my Gen Con list as money was tight. I'm hoping the order arrives any day now...

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Puppet Wars, Alternate Rasputina, Twisting Fates, Dead Justice (got it as a prize for an event in October) and I got Kirai, Avatar of Vengeance (although still waiting on her, had to order that one seperate).

A nice selection, that should keep you busy! :D

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That's the hope! Part of why I'm debating what to work on first...I either continue working on my Kirai crew (I've got two Shikome proxies, 6 Gaki, an Onryo and three Seishin left), paint Rasputina's Alternate, or start painting up my Puppet Wars set...decisions, decisions

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That's the hope! Part of why I'm debating what to work on first...I either continue working on my Kirai crew (I've got two Shikome proxies, 6 Gaki, an Onryo and three Seishin left), paint Rasputina's Alternate, or start painting up my Puppet Wars set...decisions, decisions

Hmmm.. I'd go with Raspy... as with Puppet Wars you got a whole bunch to get through... Raspy's all on her lonesome.. ;)

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