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Same here Steam.

Hey there Abs! I'd hug you but im a little wedged right now... *looks at Steam to the left, Foe asleep on the right, and Chocobo in my lap* Here have some green sweets! *throws a rather hefty bag of Abs's daily green sweets* Oh and don't worry bout Steam, I'm looking after him! :D

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*Appears bellow the Muffin tree, yawning and sipping on some OJ*

Morning all.... crazy dog had me up at 4am barking about something. Then refused to settle down, just wanted to play -_-

Heh, Thats ma boy! Almost like having a newborn isn't it? ;)

That's why I only let my cats stay inside at night if the weather is really bad, they can sleep in the garage otherwise.

At least they are quieter than dogs.

Try telling that to the cats who are constantly S******g outside our house all night, every night for the last week!

Half tempted to get the super soaker out....i don't necessarily mind, but it wakes our newborn up and getting her back to sleep is a nightmare at times!

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Quieter than dogs but yeah, not quiet. One of mine is pathetic and follows me everywhere. So if I'm in the bath after 5 minutes I hear mreow from downstairs. Few minutes later, mreow from the top of the stairs. Then mreow just outside the door. Then he'll poke his head in and still keep making a noise until I stroke him.

Eventually the silly git will go to sleep on the bath mat.

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Heh. Yeah the Puppy has bonded with me so he will follow me around the House and insists on sleeping on my bed... as close to me as possible... and has more then a few times gotten up, walked to my pillow and slept on my head. >.>

Any way, away to work!

*Jumps up onto the Muffin Tree which up roots it's self and runs off*

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Heh. Yeah the Puppy has bonded with me so he will follow me around the House and insists on sleeping on my bed... as close to me as possible... and has more then a few times gotten up, walked to my pillow and slept on my head. >.>

Any way, away to work!

*Jumps up onto the Muffin Tree which up roots it's self and runs off*

Heh, dogs are cool.....

Just wait until he starts shedding fur lol.....mouthfuls of hair, here you come!

And oi!! Thats a communal muffin tree!

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Heh. Yeah the Puppy has bonded with me so he will follow me around the House and insists on sleeping on my bed... as close to me as possible... and has more then a few times gotten up, walked to my pillow and slept on my head. >.>

Any way, away to work!

*Jumps up onto the Muffin Tree which up roots it's self and runs off*

awhh! PUPPY! :D

heheh *waves as karn and tree run off*

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I had spaghetti and meatballs last night for tea.

My shopping basket this morning was probably the most unhealthy thing I've ever bought as I was getting snacks (a lot of snacks) for my brother's visit next week (basically a week of drinking and eating too much). Now I just have to hold off eating it until he arrives.

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I had spaghetti and meatballs last night for tea.

My shopping basket this morning was probably the most unhealthy thing I've ever bought as I was getting snacks (a lot of snacks) for my brother's visit next week (basically a week of drinking and eating too much). Now I just have to hold off eating it until he arrives.

It'll never happen unless you can lock it away and give someone else the key!

I always have good intentions of spreading out treats throughout the week, but then I get bored or start to watch a movie and i reach for the snacks...

Before you know it, they've gone!

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