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Another great chapter, thanks.

Glad you're enjoying it! :) I do kinda wish my muse would keep me more than five minutes ahead of my readers, but she likes keeping things interesting...

Can you think of anything I might be able to improve on for future chapters? (or future writing in general)

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And then your internet connection doesn't work, or the Wyrd shop can't handle all the requests, or an elder god breaks the undersea cable.

And just how limited is limited edition? How quickly would they sell out?

Well, all I know is the sooner I get my order in the better... as you might get a rush of those eBay guys who will buy up all they can and then start selling them on eBay for a Million pounds each! :(

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Too early to tell. I like the writing styles and what I know about the characters. They aren't too over powered which is always off putting.

Yeah, that's always a concern...it's a weird balancing act to find, trying to figure out how to make a character powerful enough that crazy stuff can be thrown at them (like Waldgeists, for instance :) ) while still realistic enough to not be over the top. Probably going to flirt with that line some more in the next chapter...still, I was glad to write a chapter where Phelan actually won a fight for once. He's been beat up plenty in the other four, lol.

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And now putting up part 5 of my story. I owe you thanks, Abs. :) For all that my painting time has become somewhat non-existent, I must admit that I have missed the simple pleasure of writing a story. Thanks for inspiring me to get that back.

No worries mate! Glad you are enjoying it again!

Another great chapter, thanks.


And then your internet connection doesn't work, or the Wyrd shop can't handle all the requests, or an elder god breaks the undersea cable.

And just how limited is limited edition? How quickly would they sell out?

My understanding is Limited edition is limited to the 4 days that Gencon is on....and not a certain number. After all they have the moulds so as long as people want to buy them in this period, they'd be mad not to sell them!

Plus it might cut down on the ebay businesses....

As long as they struggle a bit and are concerned about the outcome then its ok. I'm just not too keen on main characters that know they are the most awesome swordsman or shot in the world.

I haven't asked, have you read any of mine...i can't remember! What did you think? (if you have)

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I must admit I gave up after Black dismissed Cassandra's fighting ability right near the start. Maybe I should give it another go but that character fell into my dislike of self acknowledged powerful characters.

Yeah I may go back and edit that as it wasn't really supposed to seem like that.....Black is powerful, but human and flawed too, as hopefully later books will show. Yes, he comes out of most scrapes with just a few bruises etc, but he isn't perfect...and the last book should hopefully show just how fragile and human he actually is.....

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Sounds good, I'll give it another go. It might have just been that I was short tempered from work. "How dare he besmirch Cassandra, HERESY!".

Changed it now to show her the respect she deserves! And she is in a later book...as a bit part...I need to check how I portrayed her then too!!

I think the only other character that is mentioned is in passing and not that interactive with the characters...

OK today has become one of the worst days ever.

Oh, not got better then?

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