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#strolls into thread, pours coffee from monolith, takes a slice of cherry pie from another and settles back in his chair to read the paper#

Well, I thought this thread had gone, didn't realise the sneaky bear had changed the title!

And whats this I hear about posts not counting? If its true then thats cool, after all it is just a spammy thread.

And all these new people! Its getting to be like spring break in here (not that I'd know what thats like being british, but I have watched the OC you know).

And don't worry, there are enough chairs for everyone...chocobo is just messing. But don't touch the pink glittery throne without permission, or this nice black leather, Guild embossed recliner. Thats mine. And suitable only for sanctioned Guild officials. And KArn, though he likes to perch.


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Kidding! (ish)

#eyes edonil suspiciously#

Hmmm, I'm keeping an eye on you. My Peacekeeper, Herbie, hasn't had a good 'run-out' in days! ;)

The Fact it's Tuesday night?

Its only Tuesday morning here. But hey, its still Tuesday, right? Any excuse for wine!!

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Technically it's Tuesday morning here...but the nice thing about working 3rd shift is that it's really the end of my Tuesday!

And AB, it's not my fault that the Guild is such a bunch of arrogant jerks that it's that hard to resist such an easy shot at vandalizing their property...

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Technically it's Tuesday morning here...but the nice thing about working 3rd shift is that it's really the end of my Tuesday!

And AB, it's not my fault that the Guild is such a bunch of arrogant jerks that it's that hard to resist such an easy shot at vandalizing their property...

The Guild. Arrogant? I'll have you know theres no arrogance within the guild, we simply know we are better than everyone else!

And technically, its not the guild's property now...I 'appropriated' it from the main office. But as I am a Guild employee, albeit a bit fuzzy when it comes to following their principles, I guess its a fair target!

All i ask is that you don't, with a pretty please with a cherry on top. Its just that I hate clearing up the mess left behind when Herbie has one of his 'turns'.


Hey I've always been a firm believer that it has to be after 10am somewhere in the world and it's after 7pm here now!

#raises wine glass#

to random drinking!!

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*Wanders in looking tired and sore and stops at all the commotion*

People in here? This early? Madness.

*Kicks the Spartan Puppet before it can speak* Yeah thats right ya little git.

*Looks around*

Whats up peoples and meeples? Very tired here myself, to hot to sleep last night. *Yawns slightly and scratches beard*

The new people behaving? Or do some of them deserve to be fed to the Puppets? *looks around*

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*Wanders in looking tired and sore and stops at all the commotion*

People in here? This early? Madness.

*Kicks the Spartan Puppet before it can speak* Yeah thats right ya little git.

*Looks around*

Whats up peoples and meeples? Very tired here myself, to hot to sleep last night. *Yawns slightly and scratches beard*

The new people behaving? Or do some of them deserve to be fed to the Puppets? *looks around*

(arches eyebrow and looks around warily) Puppets? That could become problematic...

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*Wanders in looking tired and sore and stops at all the commotion*

People in here? This early? Madness.

*Kicks the Spartan Puppet before it can speak* Yeah thats right ya little git.

*Looks around*

Whats up peoples and meeples? Very tired here myself, to hot to sleep last night. *Yawns slightly and scratches beard*

The new people behaving? Or do some of them deserve to be fed to the Puppets? *looks around*

Morning! Everything is fine, though Edonil is threatening to burn my new guild chair.....And take on Herbie.

#shakes head#

It won't end well.... ;)

(preps water gun and a bandolier of water balloons) Bring it on, Peacekeeper! Steam-powered though it may be, it's got a pilot light somewhere :P

Well, i've never found it....it just seems to have a life of its own. Feel free to have a look around, but if you do find it, please light it again afterwards, I need Herbie for other tasks today....

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(arches eyebrow and looks around warily) Puppets? That could become problematic...

Oh right I guess you would have been sleeping when I warned everyone yesterday. There are puppets everywhere in here... you have to be careful lest you get dragged off and torn apart for parts.

*Grins and leans back in a simple wooden chair that is suddenly behind and bellow him*

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Oh right I guess you would have been sleeping when I warned everyone yesterday. There are puppets everywhere in here... you have to be careful lest you get dragged off and torn apart for parts.

*Grins and leans back in a simple wooden chair that is suddenly behind and bellow him*

Note to self: begin working on army of Puppets to defend me...

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Hmmm...might be fun to look for that...useful too as an Arcanist follower. Ah well. Herbie probably wouldn't take too kindly to it though, lol.

That reminds me....AB what's your avatar of?

Steampunk Arachnid. I guess its because my original avatar was an egg, so Eric found the nearest thing to an egg shape he could!

Don't worry though, i had Hoffman take a look at it, so its all Guild friendly now...with a boosted dampening field to stop all the pesky finger waggling within a ten feet radius!

And best leave Herbie to himself, he gets a little cranky in the mornings...at least until hes mushed some ressers!

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Yeah he does have a grumpiness about him most days. Though he's never happier when chasing down ressers, it brings a smile to his mechanical face.

Surprisingly he has a soft spot for our resident Nephilim, KArn. Many a time I have come back in to see him holding KArn by the ball and chain, and gently swinging him from side to side.

Its a picture of true enjoyment.

However, KArn may disagree. I have had to supply him with seasickness tablets just in case it happens again.

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Ooo...that sounds like it'd be fun to watch. However, I must be off- need to wrap up paperwork and such and then go to bed...although not before filling out my Henchman application and sending it in. (little excited about getting that done, can ya tell?)

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Ooo...that sounds like it'd be fun to watch. However, I must be off- need to wrap up paperwork and such and then go to bed...although not before filling out my Henchman application and sending it in. (little excited about getting that done, can ya tell?)

Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll be one of 'them' soon enough!

See you later!

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Yeah he does have a grumpiness about him most days. Though he's never happier when chasing down ressers, it brings a smile to his mechanical face.

Surprisingly he has a soft spot for our resident Nephilim, KArn. Many a time I have come back in to see him holding KArn by the ball and chain, and gently swinging him from side to side.

Its a picture of true enjoyment.

However, KArn may disagree. I have had to supply him with seasickness tablets just in case it happens again.

*Appears behind AB all dressed up in a suite and tie and looking the part of the devil. Levels his eyes at AB and glares at his back, however when AB turns around he appears in his normal attire*

Heard that AB....*Grins*

Night Edonil!

Oh and by the by, careful with the Puppets! They rarely listen to anyone, even me! *Eyes one walking off with his keyboard* Oi! Give that back!

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