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Off Topic Playground

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Yeah...I know the feeling. That's how I felt last time I was regularly playing Malifaux. I could explain the rules just fine, and teach more than one person at a time, but my win/loss ratio is something like 3/40 lol. Oh well. Mainly did a lot of recovery from the extra thirteen hours I worked last week. Assembled some Skorne that showed up on Saturday, did some more painting of stuff that was already here. Going to have to do a photo update soon, I've got the Willbreaker and Master Tormentor done, the Krea needs some detail work, Naaresh is mostly done, and Zaaresh is mostly done. Started blocking out colors on a few other pieces. So, moving right along, should have a good majority of this painted before the All in One shows up, lol. Other than that, watched Guardians of the Galaxy with some friends on Saturday.

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*wanders in*


Hmmm..this place is far too quiet recently.


Anyways, I have just purchased a varied mix of Malifaux models this month!


I think it is 3 x Guild riflemen, 3 x Waldgeist, Mr Graves, Mr Tannen, Doppelganger, 3 x Oiran, 3 x Terror tots and a box of Steam Arachnids!


Plenty to keep me occupied on the building front.

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