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Off Topic Playground

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(nod) When that happens, remember your warlock can take damage to gain Fury, at a 1 for 1 trade. We had someone who had been playing Everblight for years and didn't know that, lol. Had Thagrosh in melee with Butcher at 0 Focus and fluffed the kill because he didn't know he could cut to bring him up to full Fury instead of 2...

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Ooh, those staff symbols are so fancy (said like an English lady, not like that terrible song).


Ehehehe, Bones 2 shows up Friday.


We're finally getting a local Kings of War tournament, run by a reputable TO, and my girlfriend refuses to play because of the fact that the active player rolls nerve checks for opposing units (instead of letting a player roll for his or her own units, like we do in casual games). Ridiculous. I mean, I'm still going to play even though I suspect I will lose due to running out of time in each game.


I really like my old metal Necropunks, but the new ones are tempting. Do I really need 6 of them? I don't think they'd be worth it beyond a novelty crew- Nicodem or Leveticus and the Amazing Jumping Corpsemecha or something like that :P

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Wait, the active player rolls nerve checks? o.O That's...kinda weird. I get asynchronous play, but that's a little much, lol. When's the tourney?


Yeah, not sure you'd need six of them, but it could be a fun version of a Colette style crew, lol. "I don't need to kill anything because I'm going to win on objectives!" The new ones are nice though.


I'm kinda sad about something I ordered that just showed up...thought I ordered the old metal Cyclops Brute, sadly it was a plastic one. Looks like I'll have to get fancy with the posing so they don't look identical on the board, lol. Ah well.

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