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lol, possibly..trouble is I have over 150 malifaux minis now...and no idea which one to even try painting!


Because I haven't done anything other than space marines for almost ten years it is frightening me a bit.  Maybe I will just try a minion first before trying to recapture the heyday of character painting and all the layering, blending etc that came with it!

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Lord I hope so, Dust. The metal Necrotic Machine makes some of the old metal Warjacks look positively simple to assemble, lol. I remember buying it, opening the clamshell and just going '...nope' and closing it back up, lol. Don't currently know where it is, but I do know it's not built... And yes, I definitely have to give GW full props for their assembly instructions, I would have killed for some GW quality ones when working on my Robotech stuff. Still haven't assembled most of my Battloids because I can't figure out how to arrange any of the arms when they're both holding the gun!


That's a great mental picture, and I feel the same way about it. It's a model that I would've gladly accepted a weaker pose in exchange for it being easier to assemble.


They do give you the flexibility to do black everywhere instead. I need to do my ones of those some time.


"I have Death Marshals and I want to paint them bla-ack..."


Saturday was fun- got in two games of Kings of War (and the Ogres finally won, against an admittedly distracted opponent- his kid was there), helped celebrate friends' birthdays (the couple was born within a couple of days of each other- they got a copy of Walking Dead Edition Bang! and loved it), and even went to a bar like people our age still do sometimes. The women were all in short shorts and it was a bit distracting, but fortunately the really attractive ones weren't serving us.


Sadly, our server didn't do that well, so I only tipped 17.5%. Should've only done 15%- if you bring someone a mixed drink and they hate it, you offer to make them something else early on, or you have it taken off the bill. You don't come by when the guests are ready to leave and offer to "have the bartender put something else in it" to make it taste better. I've never waited tables in my life and even I know this.


(Also, to all the non-Americans reading this- yes, the tipping thing is annoying and stupid 95% of the time, but on occasion you can do cool things like leave a gigantic tip for someone who has busted their hump to give you good service).

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