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*bounces in*


I have just had me the best idea yet!


I ordered a box of both the male and female TTB models in the Black Friday sale and was wondering what to do with some..


Then inspiration struck me..i will make my own crew!


Based on my Absolution Black stories I was thinking of doing an 'Outcasts' crew comprising of :


Absolution Black



Captain Knoffler

Officer Reagan


But I am now thinking I would like some stats to go with them so I could use them in 'friendly' games too.  Not overpowered , just average I guess but with a couple of key skills or actions per character, in character.


It has given me a creative boost to revisit my stories and pick out the character traits and weapons etc to build up a fluff background and the possible talents etc they could each have.


If anyone has good experience of crafting profiles for Malifaux characters I would be happy to let them go to town on the stats once I have got the feel of the characters down!


Good idea or what?

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People really blew the scale thing out of proportion <rimshot>.


Seriously, you could probably literally cut the thighs in the middle, re-glue the legs together, and fix the height issues right there. Maybe sand down the wedge heels (learned what those were last night thanks to the girlfriend).


Soon I am going to get a larger storage space that's closer to home. Then I am going to purge, purge, purge stuff until only the things I actually want are left. I have a feeling my girlfriend and I are going to get into fights over it, to be honest, but it needs to be done. Ideally, I will get to the point where I have either no storage space at all, or I have a small one right around the corner.

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Thanks..are the TTB character developing similar to those used in the game then?  I thought they would be totally different.


Can't wait to get started on this..but I have to wait for the parcel to arrive.


Hoping it may get here before xmas as I may have a free evening or two to mash some figures together..


Will keep everyone updated anyway..whether you want me to or not!!

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That idea sounds great, Abs. Might want to look at TTB as a starting point for developing stats for the characters?


Good luck with shrinking the inventory, Dust, it's always something a bit risky.


Indeed. You get rid of one game, and six months later, your interest in it resurfaces, and you think "why did I sell my stuff? Stupid!"

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Yeah, that's what I'm finding for Warmahordes right now... sold off both Menoth and Circle, now I'm building Cygnar, Retribution and I have some small starting points for Mercs to top it all off. Granted, I'm having more fun with Ret and Cygnar, but still... would have been easier to just add onto one of the others, lol.

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