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Off Topic Playground

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I always thought that cat owners should be legally required to video themselves tying to get their cats into carry boxes and put it online for the nation's amusement.


One of mine gets right in, no joke. The trick is to sometimes take your cat to places he or she will like, like the pet furniture section of the pet store (are pet shops that allow pets just an American thing?).


I was just watching a "post mortem" of a game on YouTube. Really competitive, certainly not for everyone. Involves negotiation and calculation and deceit; almost like "Risk" meets Chess meets Machiavelli. I enjoy it, but rarely get to play it anymore. Lots of people absolutely loathe it. 


Diplomacy: The Game That Ends Friendships, as I've heard it called ;) Never played it, but from what I can tell, you pretty much have to assume everyone is going to come after you at some point, so you have to wheel and deal and stay a step ahead.


Senji, from the reviews, has the essence of Diplomacy in a game that ends in 2 hours or less.

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Diplomacy: The Game That Ends Friendships, as I've heard it called ;) Never played it, but from what I can tell, you pretty much have to assume everyone is going to come after you at some point, so you have to wheel and deal and stay a step ahead.


Yep, I've had at least a couple of friends who swore they'd never get near it again unless it were to toast marshmallows over the smoldering remains of the game box.  :lol:

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My girlfriend loved her sushi-themed birthday gifts :)


Good news for my poor unpainted miniatures: I think I'm pretty much done with video games for a while, at least as my primary time-waster. I can finally get my spare room cleaned up (or at least, cleaner) and do some painting.


I don't know if I am going to go in on more, but I might add 10 Succubi to the KoW 2 pledge, just to see how they turn out.

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