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Mako ... ohai.  :blink:  Thank you for the offer (of sorts) -- I'll be sure to take you up on that.  :)


Looks like everyone else is of the pricey brushes are better persuasion. I can see that, but for my current level, let's just call these my "learning" brushes, and I won't have to embarrass myself any further...  :lol:

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Oh, there's nothing wrong with that. Just be aware that a high quality 0 or 0/2 (the sizes I have) actually will do fine detail better than a midrange or cheap 0/18. The bigger thing I found weirder to paint with was when I started trying stuff like flow improver and matte medium. Flow improver especially turned into a 'crap, I have to relearn everything' task, lol.

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I have. If you're painting a lot, it's a great tool, but it's also a bit of a pain at times. I ended up not liking it, but that's because when I'm in a proper painting mood, I'm moving around a lot and bringing my paints to work. The wet palette isn't as effective then.

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