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Now I'm thinking of that episode of Futurama with the Star Trek cast. "WELLLSHIEEEEEEEE!!!" :P


...Pink Floyd still exists as a band? O.o Alright then, lol.


They reformed for a bit earlier this year, if memory serves, though some guys even snobbier than me would argue that Syd Barrett's absence means it's not really Pink Floyd...



With regards metal and plastic crews i have made the leap and discarded all my metal to replace with plastic. I just prefer working with plastics.

I have kept one crew in metal .... lady j. It was the crew that got me started in malifaux and has a sentimental value due to that

But i probably wont use it for gaming having also got the new plastic set!

As for other systems i have a mix though i do tend to go for plastics now if available or there is a choice.

The only almost completely metal army i own are my fantasy dwarfs. Been building it since late eighties so is full of classic models all the way up to the newest plastics, but i would guess 85% metal!



Might have  a look around towards payday then.


I really need to hold back on my min buying again though lol, but at least I am managing to get some games in now though..


Going to make a new years resolution to restrict myself to the following for the whole of 2015....


Hopefully a cheaper year then... :)


I don't see myself buying much more for a while. Got too much as it is. I keep telling myself I'm going to clean the second bedroom, and I have a four day weekend coming up, so I have no more excuses. If I want to participate in this year's Hordes of the Things tournament (not too keen on it, but it's something to justify my 15mm purchases), I need to get something painted up.


Also, I'm in England now, so English distance rules apply - anything over 25 miles is foreign lands :P


Are you glad to be back home, or do you miss Canadia?


On a completely random note, I still don't understand the chip butty. Starch (fried potatoes) between two slices of...more starch. Why not just get the chips/fries/not entirely crispy throughout fried potatoes by themselves?

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Ah, because then you get greasy fingers! The bread keeps the whole thing in a nice neat easy to eat package :D

I'm ridiculously glad to be home. Been unpacking my shipping today and it's felt good to be clearing away the last debris of that phase of my life

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This is still just about half way, haven't really started on the sash yet, but yeah -- kicking up the highlights and contrast is always a problem of mine. Gunmetal metallic for the machine gun and pistol, brass metallic on the turban accents. Probably a toned down silver-steel on the sword, old gold on the pommel and hilt.

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