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Off Topic Playground

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Time to get caught up, bullet-point style.


Beverages: Coffee tastes bad but is a necessity on rare occasion. Don't like tea at all. I drink sodas- about one a day, give or take. Wish I could cut down more but my girlfriend's a sugar junkie and I give in to temptation.


Alcohol: most types are an acquired taste, but much of it is worth it. There's nothing like a fine whisk(e)y, rum, or beer. There's a whole realm of taste outside of super-sweet, water, and "people really drink that?" (like doogh and buttermilk). If nothing else, there's hard cider. Try a good one of those at least once- trust me. Maybe some mead, too.


Games I play, analog: Malifaux, Kings of War, Alkemy (when I can), Song of Blades and Heroes, Hordes of the Things (mainly because I have available opponents), Mighty Armies, Dreadball, a bunch of board games including Elder Sign and Carcassonne.


Games I own but haven't played yet, analog: Wild West Exodus, Wrath of Kings (hasn't arrived yet), Arena Rex (just got it), Bushido, Warzone: Resurrection, plenty of board games including Senji


Games I play, digital: lots of odds and ends, but my biggest ones are Skyrim, Dynasty Warriors, Warframe, and occasionally Payday 2 and Blood Bowl.

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