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Video games I tend to stick to xbox, and mainly Bioware stuff lately. Sins of a Solar Empire if I want an RTS. Once the single player campaign is all settled I'll be grabbing Warmachine: Tactics. Far as Tabletop... well, I'll go with what I own, lol. It's faster. Star Wars: Saga Edition, Through the Breach, Iron Kingdoms, and Dragon Age.

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Cool that you have SoaSE, I got that several years ago, but don't have any of the upgrades. Have you ever played any of the Homeworld games on PC? It's sort of the "spiritual" progenitor of Sins. And, yeah, I've played almost every Bioware title that's been released, starting with Baldur's Gate, et. al.. 

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Well, I went on a bit of a tabletop game binge last Christmas. I bought myself the War of the Ring game and expansion, plus games like Tsuro, Castle Panic, King of Tokyo, Dixit, Munckin Deluxe, a couple of versions of Gloom, and a couple of seasonal games for the holidays. Got Elder Sign for my birthday last Spring, but I'd really like to get a copy of Eldritch Horror this year. Then there are older games I've not mentioned, and then there are 20+ years of accumulated PC games, not to mention ALL the online games I have played. I'll go into specifics on those, if you're curious. WHEW!  :lol:

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I've seen the movie. It didn't leave too much of a lasting impression on me and dates, apparently. Besides, Americans celebrating a holiday about the death of a crazy dude trying to blow up British Parliament seems odd when you bring the Revolutionary War and War of 1812 into it...

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