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Oh, yeah, caffeine withdrawl ... I feeeeel your pain, Ed. If I miss my cuppa in the morning, I'm feeling it almost immediately. But, usually the one is enough for me to make it through the day. I try to avoid it in the evenings, unless I have a reason for staying up and alert. And, I only rarely drink soda -- "belly wash," my grandfather used to call the stuff.

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Heh, the problem for me is that stimulants can help calm me down if I'm out of sorts. Gotta love the quirks of brain chemistry with ADD, lol. So, it doesn't help me stay awake, just get a little bit more focused. But, despite not getting the usual perks, I get all the withdrawal fun, LOL.

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I've never tried coffee, honestly. The smell isn't interesting enough to get me to drink it. Same with most alcohols I've run across. I don't drink because beer smells awful, lol. If I have to acquire the taste to appreciate it, I'll skip it, thank you very much...

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