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Dust, don't get me started on that character... the best thing ever about having the DVDs for Robotech is I can skip every scene with her and not worry about it, lol.


My hypothesis has added evidence :lol:

I haven't watched anything since Macross Plus (which is great). I've heard there was a recent series that was quite good.


I feel your pain Dust, my missus wants to get another cat.... made a compromise with her, if she cleans out the litter box for three month in a row we can get one.


Dont see a new cat in the near future ;)


Heh, I think it'd be the same for us.


Gotta get the spare room cleaned up so we can paint again. There's a Hordes of the Things tournament next month and even though I will likely be battling my girlfriend for last place (and to be honest, she'll probably beat me) I want my units to be completely finished, instead of half-finished with a couple of decently-painted units.


Wrath of Kings is supposedly going to ship out sometime in November. I'd be happy with getting it in time for Christmas.


On a more serious note, we lost someone in our community recently. I didn't know him really well, but he was one of two gamers who got me back into this hobby. These two guys had no place to sit at karaoke night, and I had a table, so I was totally fine with them joining me. I happened to overhear very familiar terms being thrown around, and I asked "what are you guys talking about?" The other guy said "it's sort of toy soldiers-" and I cut him off with a grin: "you guys are talking about 40k, aren't you? I haven't played since 3rd." Awkward moment defused- we were all game nerds ;)


Anyhow, this fellow was a biker and at cons liked to dress the part for big event games (he was also a re-enacter). He was a super nice guy, a great painter, and usually just a font of positivity that was much needed in the old game store. Sadly, his schedule was a bit wonky (he was in sales) so we didn't get to play together very much, but it was always good to see him. He had a habit of lightening the mood at any table.


I wasn't a close friend, but I'll miss him anyway.

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If I can't, given an adequate number of painting days, get a HotT Ratmen army done, I have problems. I managed to get my Hobgoblins (Essex Orcs and other stuff) half-done in about 3 days (not start to finish days, mind you- probably something like 10 hours), so I'd like to think that if I can get started soon, I can get the rats done fast.


It's a little bit more than what's depicted here: http://rebelminis.com/ratmanarmy.html


I think the 3 best fantasy 15mm ranges are Splintered Light's (that's what's in the above link), the Demonworld range from FASA, and some of Lone Gunman's range (namely, the Amazons, who are dressed decently, and the Wolfen, who look like Rawulf from the Wizardry series).

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