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Morning all!


Weekend plans?  I have a big football match to go and watch on Saturday (Its my team's 150yr anniversary and this game has been earmarked as the celebration.  Should be a good crowd there, lots of entertainment too).


On Sunday we are all going to Liverpool to a place called Underwater Street.  Its where kids can do craft stuff, learn about basic science etc..Lily will love it!


So no gaming or painting this weekend I'm afraid!

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Meeting with some friends for a game night on Saturday and building the rest of this giant pile, lol. If I'm lucky, pull out the airbrush and try out the scheme I have in mind for the Battlepods. That does sound like a busy weekend Abs, but definitely a fun one!

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Heh, I feel like I can wreck any Robotech discussion with but one word: Minmei :D


Every time we go to Petsmart, we see the cats and the girlfriend wants to get another one. We have four; that's too many as it is to me. More than that pushes us into Crazy Cat People territory (unless we somehow become filthy rich).

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