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Writing and some Guild Wars, lol. But mainly writing, trying to get pre-writing done for the class without committing so much to something that I have to start another new project, lol. Yeah, the Iron Quill being official is a little weird, honestly. o.O Still, should be fun. Think you might enter? ;)

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The Field Museum? What's that?


http://www.fieldmuseum.org. Natural history and science museum. Lots of taxidermy, too, which is a bit disturbing when you think about how they got all of those animals to stuff, especially the babies...


Oh, so Robotech showed up today. \o/ Well, the Wave 1 stuff, still waiting on Wave 2, lol. But still, it's quite exciting! The models are gorgeous and the rules (so far) seem pretty solid. Only complaint I have is the lack of lamination on the record keeping cards, but I can hopefully fix that myself with a home laminating kit. Oh, that and the models are complicated. o.o The Defender Destroid seems like the simple one, and it's 20 pieces for a model an inch and a half tall. But damn is it pretty. Going to be slow going on the building and painting though...


I have one of these. It works just fine, though on heavier cardstock it's best to run an item twice: http://www.amazon.com/Scotch-Thermal-Laminator-Inches-TL902A/dp/B008MF41SC/ref=sr_1_6?s=office-electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1412778815&sr=1-6


I've still gotta get stuff organized for the swap meet this Saturday.

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Haha, indeed. I figure it will go down like that, especially if anyone brings interesting looking Confrontation stuff.


I hope that if I sell a bunch of Alkemy stuff that maybe someone will want to give it a try.


I also noticed their official website has nice 2x2 playmats for about $20 US each, but shipping them would cost $25 :(

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Pretty much the same. Working on building some more of the UEDF Robotech stuff tonight. Got the two Tomahawks built, discovered I mixed up parts on a foot for one of the Defenders... hoping that I can fix it easily enough, but of course the assembled one is at home, lol. About to jump into building my Valkyrie Guardians and Fighters.. Anything interesting going on today?

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It's pretty simple, once you get the hang of it. The occasional part can be mixed up (the legs are particularly annoying...) but the detail is nice, the sprues cleanly laid out, and the assembled pieces are gorgeous. Plus, things like the Valkyrie kit give you options, lol. Not super complicated ones, but being able to pick one of four different Valkyrie models per model assembled is rather nice. Poses are a little limited on the Destroids, but I'm mostly focused on just pure assembly right now. When I get other sets (planning on grabbing another set of Tomahawks and Destroyers) I'll experiment more with them.

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It looks like a ton of fun. The rules are 20 pages, and that covers everything from the description of a unit to the scenarios. Really simple and streamlined. Everything is one mechanic (d6+stat versus stat), there's no charts, movement is really simple. The special rules are longer than I'd like, but that's a minor thing overall. Plus, each of the three factions (Zentraedi, UEDF and Malcontents) has an army wide special rule that's fluffy and interesting. Zentraedi get reinforcements, the UEDF officers try to one up each other on the kill count, and the Malcontents get pissed off when one of their squads gets destroyed. List building is a simple card system, which describes what comes in a squad and lets you keep track of damage and ammunition for the members. You have a Core card, which can have two Support cards attached to it. So, for instance, I have a squad of Valkyries which is 3 V-1As and a V-1J officer. For one Support Card, I attach a V-1S Officer to the squad, and for another I attach two more V-1As. It's pretty neat, honestly.

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The big thing that I found interesting is that, despite the squads that you build the army list with, they don't need to stick together at all. Puts up some interesting tactical options. There are advantages to sticking together, but sometimes you'll want to split up. The big example I can think of are the Zentraedi artillery pods, which are four light artillery and two heavy. The heavies hit hard, but only have four rounds. Once you spend the shots, send them up into the fray to mix things up and try to setup some crossfires.

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