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Heh. I might be heading out early from work tonight myself, but we'll see. Not doing too bad beyond that... doing some pre-writing for stuff that I want to try tackling in that writing class. Going to need to ship some stuff out today too. It'll be interesting to see what the Covenant and X-wing stuff finally sell for once the bidding is done...

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Only a handful of bids, but it means I'm going to get at least the minimum asking price, lol. But there's still about 15 hours to go, and a lot of watchers on them, so I wouldn't be surprised if it went up. The x-wing stuff in particular I'll be surprised if it doesn't go up.

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Ha, went looking it up, eh? lol. Maybe I shouldn't be using a variation of this id everywhere...lol I expect the X-wing will go into a bidding war sometime in the last couple hours, because there's nearly 20 people watching it. Ah well. I'm not worried about it, I was doing all my planning expecting to sell it on one bid anyway, lol. Gotten any more stuff sold?

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I find I end up running through walls if I try too hard..stupid metal casing lol!


Just picked up the Ophelia box set and the Crossroads book from LGS.  I will send the figures off to be built by someone who has agreed to do it for a price.


So Ed, which bits did you write in the book?  :)

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