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Good luck with that, Dust, hope it goes well. :) Evening everyone, how goes?


Oh, I'm not quitting gaming. At least not unless I have a full on mid-life crisis fit and decide "no more sedentary hobbies, I'm selling 90% of my stuff, moving into an expensive, trendy, tiny urban flat, and taking up bodybuilding." In other words, highly unlikely ;)


I just have a lot of excess stuff. Much of it is stuff I'll never play again that doesn't have enough sentimental value to make it worth an exception (like my Rogue Trader Marines, Skaven 2nd Edition Blood Bowl players, and Necromunda Goliaths). I still have Bones 2, Arena Rex, and Wrath of Kings on their way- gotta make room!


Yeah, not really doing it for the money in all honesty, more for the clearout.....


Though I may get some books with some money at some point.


This is more what I meant. Too much stuff, not enough room, not worth keeping it, but too nice to just throw away. I'm thinking of bringing all of my old CCGs to Gencon next year to see if they are worth anything. I'm still pestering my collectible-selling acquaintance to give me a want list for his store.


Not great. My cat got killed by a car yesterday. So myself and my girlfriend spent the day mourning and probably drinking too much.


Aww...I'm sorry, Steam :( I know it's not the same, but I'd gladly let you visit my cats if you were local.

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