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I would love to run a 150 point match with my Menoth sometime, might have to enquire around though warmachine has died a death around here.


As for the casters...Harby, efeora and I guess one of the Kreoss' (Grand exemplar or high exemplar)


Totally cutting back on my warmachine collection...think i'm whittling it down to about 150 -200 points total now...

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Let us know how that goes, sounds interesting.


No War & Conquest this weekend, so I went with the backup plan and played Kings of War. Girlfriend wasn't sure about gaming but said she'd stop in later in the day, saw her orcs and my ogres set up and changed her mind. Played a simple 3 objective Pillage game; technically I won but I think one of the objectives got moved enough to put one of her units just outside 3". Note to self- make sure those objectives aren't light and easily moved.


I think I got a bit more interest in KoW, and the unofficial club leader suggested I do demos of some of the games I play on their upcoming Youtube channel. I've been thinking of some sort of "dead games day" for ages (since I was a CCGer in my youth, even); perhaps a Youtube channel dedicated to games outside of the mainstream- basically anything except modern GW and Warmahordes. I'm talking games that aren't megahits like Alkemy, Dark Age, and Wreck Age with dead classics like Confrontation thrown in for good measure. Only potential snag is the cost- on the other hand, I have old 40k stuff still that I need to sell, among all of those other collectibles.


Next month they are hosting a swap meet. I plan on bringing a lot of stuff with me.

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You're doing pretty good on the pace right now, taking a break sounds good. I'm hoping I don't need to get as much sleep tonight... want to paint the Cephalyx Mind Slaver I've got... think I have an idea on the color scheme for them that, while not horribly original, will be fun anyway.

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