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Cyriss, most likely. I'll have to do some finangling with Syntherion, since I dropped one of his attachment points for his arm and can't find it anywhere. >.< But a bit of brass rod should fix it. Not totally sure how I want to do them yet. But I do want to get that starter set finished up. After that, I've got a bit of Cephalyx and then back to the Ret, I think. Won't be buying anything for a while, though. That writing course I want to do clocks in at $400, so I'll be saving money for a while for it, lol.

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poor Ed..... so lonely

Just don't post that awful Akon tune....


Morning peeps!  the Guild are back in town..so hide the contraband, open the booze and let the good times roll..


My latest 4 crews arrived yesterday all nicely built, based and undercoated! (Sonnia, Lucas, Lucius, Lilith)


The Lucius models are really quite nice..

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